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DATE: January 9, 2009
NAME: New content designation for RDA elements: Content type, Media Type, Carrier Type
SOURCE: RDA/MARC Working Group
SUMMARY: This paper proposes to establish new content designation for Carrier type and Media type in the MARC 21 Bibliographic format. It also proposes to establish new content designation for Content type in the MARC 21 Authority and Bibliographic formats. Code lists for use in the new fields are proposed. Adjustments to coded data in 007 are proposed.
KEYWORDS: Carrier type (BD); Media type (BD); Content type (AD) (BD); Field 336 (AD) (BD); Field 337 (BD); Field 338 (BD); Field 007/01 Specific material designation (BD); Field 007/04 Primary support material (BD); Field 008/20 (Music) Format of music (BD); RDA; Resource Description and Access
RELATED: 2008-DP04; 2008-DP05/3; 2008-05/1; 2008-05/3; 2009-DP01/1
01/08/2009 - Made available to the MARC 21 community for discussion
01/25/2009 - Results of the MARC Advisory Committee discussion - Approved as amended. The committee decided on a few minor revisions in wording. Field 336, content type, approved only for bibliographic and authority formats. Fields 337, media type, and 338, carrier type, approved for bibliographic and holdings formats. In all of these the last sentence about using only terms or codes in input conventions is removed. Coded data in 007 bytes also approved.
02/17/2009 - Results of LC/LAC/BL review - Agreed with the MARBI decisions.
RDA instructs catalogers to record three separate data elements for Media type (RDA 3.2.), Carrier type (RDA 3.3) and Content type (RDA 6.10). These RDA instructions, and the values assigned within each element, were developed from the RDA ONIX Framework for Resource Categorization ( and the report of the GMD/SMD Working group.
These three elements are intended as replacements for the general material designation (GMD) defined in AACR2 1.1C, currently recorded in field 245 (Title statement), subfield $h (Medium). The MARC Advisory Committee favored new content designation for Media type, Carrier type and Content type during its discussions of Discussion Paper 2008-DP04 (Encoding RDA, Resource Description and Access data in MARC 21) in January, 2008, and further recommended use of MARC fields 336, 337 and 338 in their discussions of Proposal 2008-05/3 (New Content Designation for RDA Elements: Content Type, Media Type, Carrier Type) in June 2008.
It should be noted that the IFLA group reviewing the ISBD is also working in this area but their work is not complete.
Three new variable length fields are proposed. Defining new variable length fields provides a clean and identifiable change from previous practice without compromising the semantic integrity of either the new RDA elements or existing MARC 21 elements. Rather than attempt to redefine the scope of existing content designation, the guidance from the MARC Advisory Committee in January 2008 was to establish new content designation for all three elements.
In June 2008 Proposal 2008-05/3 gave a selection of coding options and the MARC Advisory Committee preferred using three new fields in the 3XX range. They also asked for the inclusion of subfield $3 (Material specified), and for consideration on how to allow the use of URIs for controlled values. It was also suggested that consideration be given to the inclusion of an option for recording language-neutral coded values.
Accommodation for Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) was also recommended by MARBI in June 2008. It is recognized that the new content designation proposed herein is ideally suited for employment of URIs and it is hoped that the strategy for URIs put forth in Discussion Paper DP2009-01/1 and ensuing proposals will be approved.
New coded content designation is also proposed based on the MARBI recommendations to Discussion Paper 2008-DP05/3. New codes are proposed for the carriers encoded in the Electronic Resources 007/01 and in the Microform 007/01. New codes are proposed for base material encoded in Map 007/04, Globe 007/04 and Non-projected graphic 007/04. New codes for extent of notated music are also proposed. New codes are proposed for the production method encoded in Map 007/06 and in Tactile 007/10. A new character position is proposed to be defined in the Videorecording 007 to encode the broadcast standard.
As a characteristic of the FRBR Expression, the Content type is defined in RDA Chapter 6, “Identifying Works and Expressions.”
The Content type data element, (RDA 6.10), is the first element in the “Other identifying attributes of expressions” group. (Appendix A contains the RDA terms used to record content type.)
The scope statement of 6.10 (Content type) is:
Content type reflects the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived. For content expressed in the form of an image or images, content type also reflects the number of spatial dimensions in which the content is intended to be perceived and the perceived presence or absence of movement.Catalogers are instructed to record the appropriate Content type or types as an identifying attributes of the expression.
As a characteristic of the FRBR Manifestation, Media type is one of the data elements established in RDA Chapter 3 “Carrier”, which describe the characteristics of the resource. (Appendix A contains the RDA terms used to record media type.)
The scope statement in RDA for Media type is:
Media type reflects the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource.
Catalogers are instructed to record the type or types of media on which the resource is conveyed using terms selected from a controlled list in RDA “Catalogers may record as many terms as are applicable to the resource being described.”
Because RDA allows catalogers to record multiple values, if appropriate, the content designation for Media type should be repeatable.
As a characteristic of the FRBR Manifestation, Carrier type is one of the data elements established in RDA Chapter 3 “Carrier”, which describe the characteristics of the resource (Appendix A contains the RDA terms used to record carrier type).
The scope statement in RDA for Carrier Type is:
Carrier type reflects the format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier in combination with the type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource.
Catalogers are instructed to record the Carrier type or types in the bibliographic record using terms from a controlled list given in RDA Each term is identified on the list as belonging to one of several broad categories that correspond to the Media types.
Each specific carrier value belongs to a group of Carrier type values all belonging to one media type. Each carrier value belongs to only one broader Media type value. Note that the values “other” and “unspecified” are notwithstanding.
Descriptions of manifestations with multiple media and/or carriers may require recording multiple Carrier types so this content designation should be repeatable.
The three new data elements are intended to replace the general material designation traditionally encoded as text in the eye-readable and prominently-placed field 245 (Title statement), subfield $h (Medium). It is proposed to define three new variable-length fields for Content type, Media type and Carrier types respectively. A subfield is proposed to carry language-neutral codes. The input guidelines suggest that codes should not be used in the same field as terms. The display position of the data in these fields may be as the system or users prefer.
Field 336 (Content type) is proposed to carry content type information in both the MARC 21 authority and bibliographic fields. Subfield $3 might not be appropriate in the authority format. Field 336 (Content type) may be repeatable, however subfield $2 (Source of term) is not repeatable to allow a content type to be associated with a source code. Field 336 would be repeated when different vocabulary sources are used.
Field 336 (Content type) may be defined as:
Field 337 is proposed to carry the RDA Media type element in the MARC 21 bibliographic format. Field 337 (Media type) will be repeatable to allow recording of types for resources with multiple format designations.
Field 337 may be defined as:
Field 338 is proposed to carry the RDA Carrier type element in the MARC 21 bibliographic format. Field 338 (Carrier type) will be repeatable to allow recording of types for resources with multiple format designations.
Field 338 may be defined as:
Content types that will be in a record in textual form in proposed field 336 (Content type) are closely allied to the LDR/06 (Type of record), although the RDA content types are often composites (RDA 6.10). As recommended by 2008-DP05/3 and discussed at MARBI in June 2008, there is sufficient correlation with the basic RDA media types so no changes to LDR/06 are needed at this time.
Media and carrier types are generally reflected in MARC 21 coded locations 007/00 (Category of material), and 007/01 (Specific material designation). RDA identifies eight media types for use in RDA descriptions (RDA 3.2). These are audio, computer, microform, microscopic, projected, stereographic, video, and unmediated. The types are differentiated by the class of “intermediation tool” required to use resources of that type, the capacious unmediated type requiring no tool. MARC 007/00 codes correspond well to RDA media types, sometimes subdivided by content type, and in one case (d = globe) further by carrier type. Two media types, microscopic and stereographic, have no 007/00 equivalent but are currently handled in other ways. As recommended by 2008-DP05/3 and discussed at MARBI in June 2008, no changes to MARC 21 are required for RDA media type.
Resources are embodied in carriers. Each media type has an associated repertoire of carrier types. Carrier types are roughly equivalent to the Specific material designations encoded in MARC 21 007/01. When comparing the RDA carrier types (RDA 3.3) with 007/01 codes (see Appendix A) nearly all of the carrier types are accommodated already, sometimes under a different label. Adding a few new codes or modifying the definitions of certain existing codes will facilitate the mapping of RDA descriptions to MARC 21.
The RDA term computer card has no corresponding value on the MARC 21 code list for Electronic resource 007/01, Specific material designation. Add a new code to the Electronic Resources 007/01.
The RDA terms computer disc and computer disc cartridge have no corresponding terms in the MARC 21 code list for Electronic resource 007/01 (Specific material designation). Add new codes to the Electronic Resources 007/01.
The RDA term microform slip is absent from the MARC 21 code list for Microform 007/01 (Specific material designation). Add a new code to Microform 007/01.
The RDA term filmstrip has a broad correspondence to the terms filmstrip roll, filmstrip cartridge, and other type of filmstrip in the MARC 21 code list for Projected graphic 007/01 (Specific material designation). None of the existing terms designate generic, or unqualified filmstrips. Rename the existing value for “f” other type of filmstrip.
The RDA list of terms for the extent of still images (RDA 3.4.4) has more values than the current list of encoded values for use in MARC 21 Non-projected graphic 007/01. None of the existing terms in MARC 21 designate the generic, or unqualified general RDA term photograph. Add new values to Non-projected graphic 007/01 (Specific material designation).
The RDA instruction for the extent of notated music (RDA 3.4.3) uses the terms defined in RDA instruction 7.20 (Format of notated music). The RDA terms chorus score, condensed score, piano conductor part and violin conductor part have no direct equivalents in MARC 21 008/20 (Format of music). Instead of collapsing these three RDA values into two MARC values, the current value d (voice score) and value e (condensed score or piano-conductor score), three new values are proposed. The use of code e is discouraged in RDA cataloging and code d should be confined to non-choral scores. Define additional codes in Music 008/20 (Format of music).
RDA specifies a single list of Base material terms (RDA 3.6) for all resources other than microforms and motion pictures (RDA 3.6), whereas MARC 21 tailors the lists for each type: map, globe, nonprojected graphic, projected graphic, and sound recordings. This attribute is found in MARC 21 in 007/04 (Primary support material) for map, globe, nonprojected graphic, and projected graphic and in 007/10 (Kind of material) for sound recordings. The Working Group agreed that defining codes across all carrier bases that were not relevant to a particular one was not appropriate, and the existing code lists could support RDA.
In MARC 21 Map, Globe, and Non-projected graphic 007 Primary support material there are opportunities to increase the list of material types to equate RDA terms. Currently the RDA terms skin, leather, parchment and vellum correspond to the term skin and the RDA terms synthetic, plastic and vinyl correspond to the term synthetic.
In the lists of Primary support material used in Map 007/04, Globe 007/04, and Non-projected graphic 007/04 define additional codes:
In the Non-projected graphic 007/04 (Primary support material), the code c (cardboard/illustration board) corresponds to both cardboard and illustration board from RDA Due to the shortage of available code values in 007/04 no changes are proposed.
RDA Production method (RDA 3.9) terms are generally not included in the coded data in the MARC 007 fields with the exception of some specialized values found in the Map 007/06 (Production or reproduction details) intended for use on reproductions. Extending the length of three of the 007 configurations (Text (t), Notated music (q), Nonprojected graphic (k)) was not encouraged at MARBI in June 2008, so that is not being recommended at this time. The information may be indicated in MARC 300$b.
The production method terms for tactile material defined in RDA (RDA 3.9.3) are not included in the coded data in the Tactile 007. The discussion paper 2008-DP05/3 presented the idea of extending the length of this 007 to MARBI in June 2008 but this was not encouraged, so that is not being recommended at this time.
The terms used in RDA Broadcast standard (RDA 3.18.3) are traditionally recorded in textual form in general notes. Inclusion of these terms in coded form would require extending the length of the Videorecording 007 as was presented in discussion paper 2008-DP05/3. The MARBI discussion in June 2008 did not encourage this, so no change is proposed at this time.
In the MARC 21 Authority and Bibliographic formats:
In the MARC 21 Bibliographic format:
Add the following codes to Electronic resource 007/01
Add the following code to Microform 007/01
Change the definition, and rename the following code in Projected graphic 007/01 to
Add to Non-projected graphic 007/01, Specific material designation.
Define additional codes in the Music (008/20) - Format of music
In Primary support material in Map 007/04, Globe 007/04, and Non-projected graphic 007/04 define additional codes:
Content type in field 336, Media type in field 337, Carrier type in field 338
Portion of a bibliographic record representing the manifestation using RDA terms in 336, 377 and 338. Note: the terms in $2 are for demonstration only. The final terms are to be determined by LC:
LDR 34543njm#a2211111#i4500 006 g---########vl 006 aa##########000#p# 007 sd#fsngnnmmned 007 vd cvaizs 007 ta 008 051129s2005 nyurcn d eng d 110 2# $aSystem of a Down (Musical group) 245 10 $aHypnotize /$cSystem of a Down 336 ## $aperformed music$2rdacontent 336 ## $atwo-dimensional moving image $2rdacontent 336 ## $atext$2rdacontent$3liner notes 337 ## $aaudio$2rdamedia 337 ## $avideo$2rdamedia 337 ## $aunmediated$2rdamedia$3liner notes 338 ## $aaudio disc$2rdacarrier 338 ## $avideo disc$2rdacarrier 338 ## $asheet$2rdacarrier$3liner notes
Portion of an authority record representing the expression:
336 ## $aperformed music$2rdacontent 336 ## $atwo-dimensional moving image $2rdacontent 336 ## $atext$2rdacontent 110 2# $aSystem of a Down (Musical group).$tHypnotize.
Portion of a bibliographic record representing the manifestation using codes in 336, 337 and 338. [Note, the codes used in this example corresponde to those in Appendix A. They are arbitrary and are not intended to be definitive. The actual codes are yet to be determined.]:
LDR 34543njm#a2211111#i4500 006 g---########vl 006 aa##########000#p# 007 sd#fsngnnmmned 007 vd cvaizs 007 ta 008 051129s2005 nyurcn d eng d 110 2# $aSystem of a Down (Musical group) 245 10 $aHypnotize /$cSystem of a Down 336 ## $bprm$2[code list] 336 ## $btdm$2[code list] 336 ## $btxt$2[code list]$3liner notes 337 ## $ba$2[code list] 337 ## $ba$2[code list] 337 ## $bv$2[code list]$3liner notes 338 ## $bad$2[code list] 338 ## $bvd$2[code list] 338 ## $bub$2[code list]$3liner notes
Portion of an authority record representing the expression:
336 ## $bprm$2[code list] 336 ## $btdm$2[code list] 336 ## $btxt$2[code list] 110 2# $aSystem of a Down (Musical group).$tHypnotize.
Many of the RDA word lists for Content, Media, and Carrier may also be encoded in coded form in a record, increasing consistency for retrieval with existing records. See also Proposal 2008-DP05/3. The terms below are from RDA, the first codes are from MARC; the codes in brackets are possible codes that could be used for fields 336, 337, and 338, and were used in the above examples. The possible code values presented in these lists are arbitrary and are not intended to be the final definitive values.
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