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DATE: January 6, 2012
NAME: Identifying Titles Related to the Entity Represented by the Authority Record in the MARC 21 Authority Format
SOURCE: Program for Cooperative Cataloging
SUMMARY: This paper explores options in the MARC 21 Authority Format for making titles related to the entity represented by the authority record machine-actionable.
KEYWORDS: Relation of title to entity (AD); Field 670 (AD); Field 67X (AD)
01/06/12 – Made available to the MARC community for discussion.
01/22/12 – Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion: The paper was discussed and the majority of participants agreed upon several points: 1) A new field, probably in the 67X block, would be useful as a distinct place to record items related to the entity represented by the authority record; 2) There should be no restrictions on the titles recorded; 3) If both "by" and "about" titles are included in the field, there must be a way to show the distinction via an indicator or use of a code in a $4 subfield; 4) Relationship between the authority 1XX and the title should be enabled but not mandatory; 5) There is no implication that titles listed in this field must be those in which the authority 1XX is the main entry; 6) Add a subfield for date, which often appears in such lists of titles; 7) If the use of this is permitted for undifferentiated name records, systems must allow the new field to be inserted among the 670 fields; systems should not re-order fields according to some rule; 8) Provision for an explicit link (subfield $0) is needed; 9) Give consideration to adding a subfield for note; 10) Do not allow a blank in either indicator position. The matter of including periodical citations was left unresolved by the group; there was some discussion that DOI could fit into subfield $0. The input and maintenance of the field was controversial. It was hypothesized the catalogers would input the field manually with the help of their systems.
Field 670 (Source Data Found) in the MARC 21 Authority Format contains citations of sources in which information related to the entity represented by the authority record was found. These fields contain two principal segments: an identification of the source (subfield $a), and information found in the source (subfield $b).
670 ## $a Her The art of the table, 1962.
670 ## $a Her Wines of the Graves, 1988: $b t.p. (Pamela Vandyke Price)
670 ## $a Hertel, J. M. Concerto for trumpet ... [SR] p1976 (a.e.) $b labels (Bo Nilsson, trumpet) container (b. 1940, Stockholm)
670 ## $a Optimization and regulation for computational inverse problems and applications, c2011: $b t.p. (Anatoly G. Yagola) t.p. verso (Prof. Dr. Anatoly G. Yagola, Dept. of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ.)
670 ## $a Domenico Buratti, realtà, sogni, scritture pittoriche di un artista torinese, 2003: $b p. 9 (Italian painter, poet, book illustrator, editor) p. 65 (b. Nole Canavese, Nov. 21, 1881) p. 66 (d. Turin, May 24, 1960)
The 670 field was designed as a holder for the raw information used in the construction of the authority record or of potential use to future users of the record. In recent years, application programs have begun to mine information in the 670 field for other purposes. For example, a program loading authority records may attempt cautiously to reassign headings in bibliographic records based on a comparison of titles in bibliographic records to titles in the 670 field. While this is made difficult because subfield $a of the 670 field can contain many kinds of information in addition to a title (such as: an identification of the author, the date of publication of the resource and/or the date of consultation of the resource, the format of the resource, and the function of a heading for an entity within the bibliographic record for the item), these efforts have seen substantial success, and in general the technique can be described as valid.
Among the pieces of information that may be carried in subfield $b of the 670 field is a listing of additional titles for which the entity represented by the authority record is responsible in some manner.
670 ## $a Phone call to pub., 2/23/88 $b (Ronald Fernandez, also author of Social psychology through literature)
670 ## $a E-mail from Dr. Martin, 2 Sept. 2011 $b (confirms authorship of various reports emanating from ETSU, TRRL, Financial Times, Dept. of Energy; also authored doctoral thesis "The mechanical behaviour of carbon fibre composites at high rates of loading")
670 ## $a Phone call to M.Johnstone, Routledge, 12-10-99 $b (John Andrew Forth; also wrote Pathways through unemployment, Rents and work incentives)
In some cases, the 670 may conversely identify items for which an entity has no responsibility:
670 ## $a BL AL recd., 11 June 2010 $b (Christine Routledge, born 2 Sept. 1965; is not the author of Kaleidoscope)
This information would be of significant use to a program attempting to reassign headings in bibliographic records, but because it is buried within a free-text field it is not easily made machine-actionable. If this additional information were isolated and so made machine-actionable, a program attempting to judge the headings in bibliographic records should be able to perform its work to even greater effect.
A Task Group of the PCC established to look into the matter considered whether a more elaborate scheme for the subfield coding of the 670 field would allow for titles embedded within the 670 to be identified, without requiring redundant data entry. If for no other reason than the ongoing difficulties found in the application of even the current simple scheme, the Task Group rejected that idea in favor of a request for a new field, to contain an identification of the titles of items related to the entity represented by the authority record.
The PCC believes that the definition of a new field, probably in the 67X block, is needed to identify items related to the entity represented by the authority record. This new field should probably be modeled in its important parts on the bibliographic 245 field. This not only allows the field to be built from existing data with ease, but allows programs already written for one context to be adapted to a new context without much difficulty. The following definitions are suggested:
First Indicator
Relation of title to entity
0 – Title is not related to the entity represented by the authority record
1 – Title is related to the entity represented by the authority record
Second Indicator
Nonfiling characters
0 – No nonfiling characters
1-9 – Number of nonfiling characters
Subfield Codes
$a – Title (NR)
$b – Remainder of title (NR)
$f – Inclusive dates (NR)
$g – Bulk dates (NR)
$k – Form (R)
$n – Number of part/section of a work (R)
$p – Name of part/section of a work (R)
$0 – Authority record control number (R)
$6 – Linkage (NR)
$8 – Field link and sequence number (R)
This field is designed to assist programs and operators in selecting from amongst a set of candidate headings, and not to provide the final answer to questions of authorship. For example, the record for the William Shakespeare who lived from 1564 to 1616 could easily contain a reference to Sir John Oldcastle; such a reference would help a program decide the proper replacement when a bibliographic record for some version of that work arrives, with a heading for just "Shakespeare, William" and no dates.
The contents of the "Field description and scope" section of the field description will depend on the answers to the discussion questions.
The description of the field should indicate that the list of items presented in the new field is intended to be based on cases as encountered, and should not be the subject of intense research.
The Task Group believes that there should be no implication that information in this new field must in every case be supported by information in 670 fields or elsewhere in the authority record. For this reason, two of the examples include titles that are not included in the 670 fields.
Examples of use (the tag 672 is used for illustration purposes only):
670 ## $a Phone call to pub., 2/23/88 $b (Ronald Fernandez, also author of Social psychology through literature)
672 10 $a Social psychology through literature
670 ## $a E-mail from Dr. Martin, 2 Sept. 2011 $b (confirms authorship of various reports emanating from ETSU, TRRL, Financial Times, Dept. of Energy; also authored doctoral thesis "The mechanical behaviour of carbon fibre composites at high rates of loading")
672 14 $a The mechanical behaviour of carbon fibre composites at high rates of loading
670 ## $a Phone call to M.Johnstone, Routledge, 12-10-99 $b (John Andrew Forth; also wrote Pathways through unemployment, Rents and work incentives)
672 10 $a Pathways through unemployment
672 10 $a Rents and work incentives
672 14 $a The business case for Equal Opportunities
672 10 $a Family-friendly working arrangements in Britain 1996
670 ## $a BL AL recd., 11 June 2010 $b (Christine Routledge, born 2 Sept. 1965; is not the author of Kaleidoscope)
672 10 $a Johnny
672 00 $a Kaleidoscope
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