Matthew Wise, Chair ALCTS New York University Denise Beaubien Bennett RUSA University of Florida Eric P. Delozier LITA Penn State, Harrisburg Edward Kownslar RUSA Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Gary L. Strawn ALCTS Northwestern University Sarah Beth Weeks LITA St. Olaf College Linda Wen LITA University of Arkansas at Little Rock Jia Xu ALCTS University of Iowa Haiyun Cao, Intern ALCTS York University
Corine Deliot BL British Library Sally H. McCallum LC Library of Congress Margaret Stewart LAC Library and Archives Canada
Sherman Clarke VRA Freelance art cataloger John Espley AVIAC VTLS, Inc. Bruce Evans MLA Baylor University Libraries Catherine Gerhart OLAC University of Washington Richard O. Greene OCLC OCLC Stephen Hearn SAC University of Minnesota Reinhold Heuvelmann DNB Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Susan M. Moore MAGIRT University of Northern Iowa John Myers CC:DA Union College Elizabeth O'Keefe ARLIS/NA Morgan Library and Museum Elizabeth Plantz NLM National Library of Medicine Patricia Sayre McCoy AALL University of Chicago
Haiyun Cao ALCTS York University
June Abbas University of Oklahoma Karen Anderson Backstage Library Works John Attig Penn State University Penny Baker Clark Art Institute Matthew Beacom Yale University Julianne Beall Library of Congress Jennifer Bowen University of Rochester Casey Cheney Backstage Library Works Karen Coyle Ana Cristan Library of Congress Deborah Fritz TMQ Inc. Harry Gaylord Bound To Stay Bound Books Kathy Glennan University of Maryland Mar Hernández Biblioteca Nacional de España Damian Iseminger New England Conservatory Bruce Johnson Library of Congress George Johnston University of Cincinnati William Jones New York University Dan Lipcan Metropolitan Museum of Art Nancy Lorimer Stanford University Carol Love MARCIVE John Maier Pratt Institute Dorothy McGarry UCLA Kelley McGrath University of Oregon Joan Mitchell OCLC Nannette Naught IMT, Inc. Michael Panzer OCLC Lori Robare University of Oregon Jane Rosario UC Berkeley Vicki Sipe University of Maryland Baltimore County Erin Stalberg Mount Holyoke College Rebecca Thompson Missouri State University Cecilia Tittemore Dartmouth College Library Hermine Vermeij UCLA Ken Wade UCLA Robin Wendler Harvard University Jay Weitz OCLC Raegan Weichert Missouri State University Kathy Winzer Stanford Law Library David Williamson Library of Congress Janis L. Young Library of Congress [Note: anyone who attended and is not listed, please inform LC/Network Development and MARC Standards Office.]
Matthew Wise (ALCTS, Chair) opened the meeting by asking Committee members, representatives, and liaisons to introduce themselves. A Committee roster was passed around the table; and all were asked to “check in” and to annotate their entries with any corrections.
Matthew Wise (ALCTS, Chair) asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of the ALA Annual 2011 meeting in New Orleans. Being none, Gary Strawn (ALCTS) moved to accept the minutes; Eric Delozier (LITA) seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
The proposal was presented by Bruce Evans (MLA). The proposal resulted from Discussion Paper 2011-DP05 that was presented at ALA Annual 2011 by the Music Library Association. Medium of performance is a critical piece of information for music retrieval. Following current LCSH practice, catalogers assign subject headings which often combine genre/form and medium information into a single heading. As work continues on developing Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT), it has become clear that medium of performance vocabulary is out of scope for LCGFT and is a separate facet in its own right. The ability to move forward on implementing music terms in LCGFT is dependent on finding a place in the MARC Formats to accommodate medium of performance data in a separate field.
MARBI’s discussion of 2011-DP05 narrowed down the options to two possible MARC fields that might accommodate medium of performance. One already exists: field 382 (Medium of performance). The other possibility is a new 6XX field defined for medium of performance. Either field would need similar subfields to enhance searchability. The paper discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the two options. Examples and links to more examples are also provided in the proposal.
Reinhold Heuvelmann (DNB) summarized the comments of Germany and Austria. They intend to use "medium of performance" in the GND extensively in authority records. A decision was made early this year about this issue, which is different from this proposal. They intend to link from one 382 field to an authority record. For this, they intend to repeat 382 whenever a new subfield $a is used, rather than a long 382 field with many subfields.
John Attig (Penn State) stated any decision, either option 1 or 2, had to be based on the current situation and the possible future. The 382 field was created based on RDA instruction, but the RDA statement seemed useless for this proposal. He objected the option of expanding the 382 field, especially in authority records because it is against the concept of authority control. Using the same data and format in both bibliographic records and authority records is also questionable.
Janis Young (LC) seconded John Attig (Penn State) and said that she supported neither of the options. For option 2, using 6XX, it will be very difficult to explain the difference from form/genre headings. For option 1, she reminded that RDA intended to use all authority elements as controlled vocabularies for access points so expanding field 382 in this way might not be compliant with RDA development.
Kathy Glennan (University of Maryland) expressed concern that using the 382 field would require it to be repeatable for two items in one record. She emphasized that whatever decision was made should be easy to implement and workable. She also stated that 382 was created based on RDA principle, so it did provide retrievable information even if not as access points.
Catherine Gerhart (OLAC) followed Janis Young's remark about using a 6XX field. It will not confuse the music community because they have been doing it that way for a long time.
John Myers (CC:DA) thought a 6XX field seemed a more appropriate option though in authority records it is more problematic because 6XX fields do not currently exist in the authority heading format.
Bruce Evans (MLA) agreed with John Myers (CC:DA) that he did see a lot of support for using field 382 field from the music cataloging community.
Kelley McGrath (University of Oregon) preferred two 382 fields because there were options in subfield $2 and indicators. She thought indicators or another subfield was better for retrieving differently than subfield $2 because some indexing systems were based on indicator 2 rather than subfield $2.
John Myers (CC:DA) thought, considering FRBRized data and discovery layers have been applied over library catalogs in many institutions, indexing all the instruments will facilitate the narrowing down of search results by facets.
Gary Strawn (ALCTS) moved to approve option 1. Sarah Beth Weeks (LITA) seconded. John Attig (Penn State) wanted to make sure this was just a preliminary proposal and that more details needed to be discussed. John Myers (CC:DA) confirmed that. Option one of the proposal passed.
John Attig (Penn State) wondered how much information should be put in one single field and how complicated it would be to create separate fields for each individual instrument. Matthew Wise (ALCTS, Chair) said there were situations where alternative instruments do not have one-to-one correspondence. Kelley McGrath (University of Oregon) said they faced the problem that only one subject heading was associated with the individual work while there were several subject headings in the record.
Matthew Wise (ALCTS, Chair) suggested the motion of accepting Reinhold's recommendation about indicators and subfields. That is,
Sally McCallum (LC) suggested changing the wording in 2nd indicator 0 to "No access provided" and 2nd indicator 1 to "Access provided".
Gary Strawn (ALCTS) moved to approve the redefinition of the indicators. Eric Delozier (LITA) seconded. The recommendation was approved.
Reinhold Heuvelmann (DNB) stated another recommendation on the subfields in 382 field. He suggested subfield $n (instead of $p) for "number of performances of the same instrument/voice" in preceding $a, $b, or $d, and subfield $s (instead of $n) for "total number of performers". He also introduced subfield $p for "Alternate performance" which is repeatable and subfield $v for "Note" which is also repeatable.
Gary Strawn (ALCTS) moved to approve the redefinition of the subfields. Sarah Beth Weeks (LITA) seconded. The recommendation was approved.
The Future Role of MARBI in the Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative: Questions for Discussion:
Matthew Wise (ALCTS, Chair) suggested closing the discussion.
Sally McCallum (LC) reported as following:
The discussion paper was introduced by Gary Strawn (ALCTS). A task force of PCC looked at the possibility of using Field 670 in the MARC 21 Authority Format, which contains citations of sources related to the entity represented by the authority record, for mining information in the 670 field for other purposes, such as reassigning headings in bibliographic records. The Task Group rejected the idea of a more elaborate scheme for the subfield coding of the 670 field in favor of a request for a new field, to contain an identification of the titles of items related to the entity represented by the authority record.
Matthew Wise (ALCTS, Chair) suggested that if manifestations and expressions were to be allowed, the nature of relation should be clarified because, for example, you might have a performer for a piece of music who was not the creator. John Myers (CC:DA) suggested not using manifestations and expressions in the new field because the information was derived in the authority research process and we could not know the cataloger’s priority in using which title, works, or others. But in some situations, such as translations and re-translations of works, it might be useful to trace the manifestation titles.
Elizabeth Plantz (NLM) believed the relation did matter because it was needed to specify whether the title was by or about the entity. Jia Xu (ALCTS) expressed her concern on undifferentiated authority records for personal names when more than one name share one record. She also asked that how the situation would be dealt with for materials in non-Roman languages, where parallel titles for both Romanized title and original language script were listed.
Gary Strawn (ALCTS) reminded the group that titles “about” the entity had to be listed in the new field in a subject authority record. Another concern was about movie characters and imagined places which needed to be identified in a way that indicated if it was the same character or imagined place in multiple movies.
Reinhold Heuvelmann (DNB) gave an example of how databases for bibliographic records were associated with databases for authority records. John Attig (Penn State) reminded the group that the purpose of this proposal was to try not to lose the information we have when creating the authority records. It was nice to have the extra information to help with undifferentiated names. Sally McCallum (LC) added that would be just a short-term project because PCC had been working on the undifferentiated names in RDA.
Stephen Hearn (SAC) stated that we only wanted to maintain the proposed 67X field, not the authority heading and there should be a way of doing the maintenance by machine. There was no further discussion about the maintenance issue. Matthew Wise (ALCTS, Chair) stated that this topic would return to the Annual meeting as a proposal.
Matthew Wise (ALCTS, Chair) informed us that in the preparation for the Annual meeting he will be requesting the usual meeting time but, typically, we will probably not be using the Monday meeting time. He also mentioned the re-appointments of those whose terms would end.
Respectfully submitted,
Haiyun Cao
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