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MODS Holdings InformationAugust 21, 2007Basic approach MODS currently contains very basic holding elements in the <location> element. To accommodate more detailed holdings information new subelements are added to <location>: <holdingSimple> and <holdingExternal>. In addition, <shelfLocator> is added directly under <location> to enable basic use of <location> for both digital and analog resources. <location> repeatable Data Models
Detailed holdings information is reported via: Thus <location> might look like one of the following. Holdings information is institution only: <location> <physicalLocation>...</physicalLocation> </location> Holdings information for an electronic resource: <location> <physicalLocation>...</physicalLocation> <url>...</url> </location> Holdings information for an analog resource: <location> <physicalLocation>...</physicalLocation> <shelfLocator>...</shelfLocator> </location> Holdings information for both electronic and analog versions of the resource: <location> <physicalLocation>...</physicalLocation> <shelfLocator>...</shelfLocator> <url>...</url> </location> Detailed holdings information needed: <location> <physicalLocation>...</physicalLocation> <holdingSimple>... <copyInformation> Internal MODS copy elements </copyInformation> </holdingSimple> </location> Holdings information when an external schema used for detailed holding information: <location> <physicalLocation>...</physicalLocation> <holdingExternal>... <external schema root> External copy elements </external schema root> </holdingExternal> </location> The internal MODS elements are described below. The external elements are carried in an externally defined schema and accommodated in the MODS schema via <holdingExternal>. User needs may be met by the MODS-defined <holdingSimple> element or the record may require more detailed holdings information provided by an external schema provided in <holdingExternal>. Definition of MODS <holdingSimple> <holdingSimple> consists of a single subelement, <copyInformation>, repeatable, with several subelements. <copyInformation> is information for a single copy, and may be repeated for multiple copies at the same <physicalLocation>. <holdingSimple – not repeatable These are described as follows: <copyInformation> – Specifies which copy of the resource via indication of sublocation and/or locator. Also contains copy specific information. <form> (attribute: authority) – Equivalent to MODS <physicalDescription><form>. May be included here when the MODS record refers to multiple forms and there is different detailed holdings information associated with each form. <subLocation> – The section of an institution or sub-location holding a copy of the resource. From MARC 852 $b, $c, $e. <shelfLocator> – Shelfmark or other location identifier for a copy. From MARC $h-$m, $t. <electronicLocator> – Copy-specific form of the MODS <location><url>. <note> (attributes: type, displayLabel) – Notes relating to a specific copy of a document. Attribute type designates the type of note. Attribute displayLabel indicates any text to be displayed with the note. <enumerationAndChronology> (attribute: unitType) – A textual description of the enumeration and chronology of the material, e.g., volume details of a periodical. From MARC Holdings 866-868 or 853-855/863-865. The attribute unitType is “1” indicating “basic” (if MARC 863 or 866), “2” indicating “supplement” (if MARC 864-867), or “3” indicating “index” (if MARC 865 or 868). Examples: Example 1: Institution only <location> <physicalLocation authority=”marcorg”>MH</physicalLocation> </location> Example 2: Institution and electronic locator <location> <physicalLocation>University of Chicago</physicalLocation> <url></url> </location> Example 3: Institution and holding information for electronic and analog <location> <physicalLocation>Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA </physicalLocation> <url></url> <shelfLocator>DAG no. 1410</shelfLocator> </location> Example 4: Institution and holding information for analog <location> <physicalLocation authority=”marcorg”>MnRM</physicalLocation> <holdingSimple> <copyInformation> <subLocation>Patient reading room</subLocation> <shelfLocator>QH511.A1J68</shelfLocator> <enumerationAndChronology unitType=”1“> v.1-v.8 1970-1976</enumerationAndChronology> </copyInformation> </holdingSimple> </location> Example 5: Institution and holding information for electronic and analog <location> <physicalLocation authority=”marcorg”>CaOON</physicalLocation> <holdingSimple> <copyInformation> <form authority=”marcform“>print</form> <subLocation>Chem</subLocation> <shelfLocator>QD.C454L55</shelfLocator> <enumerationAndChronology unitType=”1“>v. 1-24 1994-2000</enumerationAndChronology> </copyInformation> <copyInformation> <form authority=”marcform“>electronic</form> <electronicLocator> </electronicLocator> <enumerationAndChronology unitType=”1“>v. 16-24 1998-2000</enumerationAndChronology> </copyInformation> </holdingSimple> </location> |
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