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Guidelines Version 3 >> Elements
MODS User Guidelines Version 3
Below is a detailed description of all of the valid MODS elements, attributes
and values (revised to include version 3.3). Examples of most MODS data
elements are also presented. The elements and attributes are listed in
the same order as is presented in the MODS
Definition: A
word, phrase, character, or group of characters, normally appearing
in a resource, that names it or the work contained in it.
Application: "titleInfo" is
a wrapper element that contains all subelements related to title
information. Data content is contained in subelements. <titleInfo> is repeated for each type attribute value. If multiple titles are recorded, repeat <titleInfo><title> for each. The language of the title may be indicated if desired using the xml:lang
(RFC3066) or lang (3-character ISO 639-2 code) attributes. |
The following subelements are defined for "titleInfo." They
are enumerated below.
<titleInfo> |
<title> |
Definition: A
word, phrase, character, or group of characters that constitutes
the chief title of a resource (i.e. the title normally used when
citing the resource).
Application: "title" without
the <titleInfo> type attribute is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 245, except that it includes only the data that make up the title and does not include
the entire title area dictated by AACR2. The statement of responsibility
in MARC 21 field 245 is included in the <note> element with type="statement of responsibility," not in <title>.
Elements considered part of the title that
are separately subfielded in MARC 21 are included here unless
they have a separate subelement. For instance, the General Material
Designator (MARC 21 field 245 subfield $h) and form (MARC 21 field 245 subfield $k) may be included as part of the title, but a part name or number
is included in the subelements below.
When there is a subtitle, additional elements
should follow the subelement for which it is appropriate (e.g.,
a part name or number may follow the title or the subtitle depending
upon the situation).
Dates may be recorded here only if considered
part of the title (e.g., a date in a uniform title). (Publication
dates are included under <originInfo>.)
For parallel titles (i.e., equivalent titles
in different languages), use separate <titleInfo><title> elements with type attribute="translated" for each parallel title.
For non-collective titles by the same author
(i.e. separate titles with no inclusive title for the collection),
use separate <titleInfo><title> elements with no type attribute. |
<titleInfo> |
<subTitle> |
Definition: A
word, phrase, character, or group of characters that contains
the remainder of the title information after the title proper
Application: "subTitle" includes
a subtitle when it is desired to include it as a separate element.
Alternatively, it may be included as part of a title. It is equivalent
to MARC 21 fields 242, 245, 246 subfield $b. |
<titleInfo> |
<nonSort> |
"nonSort" begin
and end tags surround the nonfiling text which should not be regarded
in sorting. It is equivalent to the new technique in MARC 21 that
uses control characters to surround data disregarded for sorting.
It is used for the same purpose as the nonfiling indicator value
that indicates the number of characters disregarded for sorting.
Punctuation may or may not be included within the non-sort value
depending upon whether it is part of the sorting or non-sorting
data. |
<titleInfo type="alternative" displayLabel="also
known as:"> |
Cheney</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<titleInfo> |
<title >Bush-Cheney 2000</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<titleInfo type="alternative"> |
<title >George
W. Bush for President</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<titleInfo> |
<nonSort>The</nonSort> |
mind"</title> |
Bonk and American letters</subTitle> |
</titleInfo> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Oklahoma</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Carousel</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<titleInfo> |
Pacific</title> |
</titleInfo> |
xml:lang="en"> |
<nonSort>The</nonSort> |
who would be king</title> |
</titleInfo> |
xml:lang="fr" type="translated"> |
<nonSort>L'</nonSort> |
qui voulut être roi</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<titleInfo> |
on grammar </title> |
level</subTitle> |
</titleInfo> |
<titleInfo> |
für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionkrankheiten und Hygiene</title> |
Abt. Originale</partNumber> |
B</partNumber> |
Krankenhaushygiene. Betriebshygiene, präventive Medizin</partName> |
</titleInfo> |
<titleInfo> |
report of notifiable diseases</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="abbreviated"> |
rep. notif. dis.</title> |
</titleInfo> |
lang="rus" script="Latn" transliteration="Code to be determined "> |
i urzadzenia roline.</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="translated" lang="eng"> |
surveying and agriculture equipment</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="uniform" authority="naf" xlink:href="http://www.loc.gov/sru-lccn/?query=n 93028706"> |
Carnotense</title> |
</titleInfo> |
[Note: the value
of xlink:href is purely illustrative; this link does not currently
exist. It assumes establishing a namespace for Library of Congress
Control Numbers (LCCN) and initiating a service to retrieve authority
records.] |
type="alternative" displayLabel="Spine title"> |
and public affairs</title> |
</titleInfo> |
Definition: The
name of a person, organization, or event (conference, meeting,
etc.) associated in some way with the resource.
Application: "name" is
a wrapper element that contains all subelements related to name
information. It is equivalent to the MARC 21 1XX and 7XX fields or Creator and Contributor in Dublin Core. If it is desired to indicate the concept of main entry, the <role> subelement may be used with the value "creator" (e.g. <role><roleTerm type="text">creator</roleTerm></role>. Other role values may be used to indicate the particular relationship between
the name and the resource. The type of name (personal, corporate,
conference) may be indicated, although this is not required. |
The following subelements are defined for <name>.
They are enumerated below.
<name> |
<namePart> |
"namePart" includes
each part of the name that is parsed. Parsing is used to indicate
a date associated with the name, to parse the parts of a corporate
name (MARC 21 fields X10 subfields $a and $b), or to parse parts
of a personal name if desired (into family and given name). The
latter is not done in MARC 21. Names are expected to be in a structured
form (e.g. surname, forename). |
- type - The following
values may be used with the type attribute:
- date
- family
- given
- termsOfAddress
The attribute "date" is
used to parse dates that are not integral parts of
a name. Dates that are part of a name, e.g. dates within
a conference name, do not use this attribute to separate
the date, since it is an integral part of the name
string. The birthdate associated with a personal name,
however, is not an integral part of the name but added
to distinguish the name from others, so it does include
a separate namePart with type="date". This attribute is not used when parsing the components of a corporate name.
"termsOfAddress" is used to record titles and enumeration associated with a name, such as Jr.,
II, etc. It is roughly equivalent to MARC X00 fields,
subfields $b and $c.
Note that "family" and "given" are not used in MARC 21.
<name> |
<displayForm> |
"displayForm" is
used to indicate the unstructured form of the name. It includes
a name as given on the resource. For some applications, contractual
agreements require that the form of the name provided on the resource
be provided. This data is usually carried in MARC 21 field 245 subfield $c, although the latter may include other information in addition to
the display form of the name. If part of an entire statement of
responsibility, it may be indicated in a note (with type="statement of responsibility") along with any other text in the statement of responsibility and also repeated
here if desired. |
<name> |
<affiliation> |
"affiliation" contains
the name of an organization, institution, etc. with which the
entity recorded in <name> was associated at the time that the resource was created. It may also contain
other elements that are part of the affiliation, such as email
address, street address, job title, etc. |
<name> |
<role> |
Definition: A
term(s) that designates the relationship (role) of the entity
recorded in name in relation to the resource.
Application: "role" is
a wrapper element that may contain a value in coded or textual
form. <role> is equivalent to a MARC relator code or its textual form. |
"roleTerm" contains the textual or coded form
of a relator/role. An authority should be indicated if using a coded form for
role. If the textual form is from a controlled list (e.g., the MARC relators list), an authority attribute may be indicated (but is not mandatory). If both a
code and a term are given that represent the same role, use one <role> and multiple occurrences of <roleTerm>. If different roles, repeat <role><roleTerm>. |
- type -
This attribute may be used with the following values:
- text -
This value is used to express role in a textual form.
- code -
This value is used to express place in a coded form.
The authority attribute may be used to indicate the
source of the code.
- authority -
The name of the authoritative list for a controlled value
is recorded here. A list of codes for authorities is maintained
at: www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/relator/relatorsource.html. To indicate the MARC relators list, use authority= "marcrelator."
<name> |
<description> |
"description" may
be used to give a textual description for a name when necessary,
for example, to distinguish from other names. This element does
not have a MARC 21 equivalent. |
<name type="personal"> |
type="termsOfAddress">Dr.</namePart> |
B. F.</namePart> |
Dept., American University</affiliation> |
<role> |
type="text">creator</roleTerm> |
<roleTerm type="code">cre</roleTerm> |
</role> |
<role> |
<roleTerm type="text">author</roleTerm> |
<roleTerm type="code">aut</roleTerm> |
</role> |
</name> |
<name> |
Michael</namePart> |
artist, 20th c.</description> |
</name> |
<name type="personal"> |
Eric</namePart> |
Alterman</displayForm> |
<role> |
type="text">creator</roleTerm> |
<roleTerm type="code">cre</roleTerm> |
</role> |
</name> |
<name type="personal"> |
type="given">John</namePart> |
type="family">Huston</namePart> |
<role> |
type="code" authority="marcrelator">drt</roleTerm> |
type="text" authority="marcrelator">director</roleTerm> |
</role> |
</name> |
<name type="personal"> |
type="given">John Paul</namePart> |
type="termsOfAddress">II</namePart> |
type="termsOfAddress">Pope</namePart> |
type="date">1920-</namePart> |
</name> |
<name type="conference"> |
Workshop on Plasma-Based Ion Implantation (1993 : University of
Wisconsin--Madison)</namePart> |
</name> |
<name type="personal"> |
type="given">Jack</namePart> |
type="family">May</namePart> |
<namePart type="termsOfAddress">I</namePart> |
Commissioner</description> |
de région</description> |
</name> |
<name type="corporate"> |
States</namePart> |
of Appeals (2nd Circuit)</namePart> |
</name> |
<name type="conference"> |
Peace Conference (1919-1920)</namePart> |
</name> |
<name type="personal" authority="naf"> |
Virginia</namePart> |
type="date">1882-1941</namePart> |
</name> |
Definition: A
term that specifies the characteristics and general type of content
of the resource.
Application: "typeOfResource" is
generally equivalent to the type of record codes in MARC 21 Leader/06 in that it differentiates the resource being described as to content type. A
controlled list of textual values are used. Attributes are used
to further indicate whether the resource is a collection (i.e.
an aggregation of items, designated in MARC 21 in Leader/07 Bibliographic level) or manuscript in nature (designated in MARC 21 as a separate Leader/06 code that combines the manuscript property with a resource type). This element
includes a high-level type that categorizes the material in
a general way. More specific typing is done in the <genre> element.
The attributes "collection" and "manuscript" are
associated with a specific value used in <typeOfResource>. For example, a MODS object which consists of a collection of maps with associated
text would be represented by two instances of <typeOfResource>. The first would be "cartographic" with attribute collection="yes," and the second would be "text" (with no attribute).
There may be no value given for "typeOfResource" if the "collection" or "manuscript" attribute is used and none of the enumerated values is appropriate. For example <typeOfResource
collection="yes"></typeOfResource> to indicate that a resource is a collection with no specified value for typeOfResource. |
- collection - This attribute
is used as collection="yes" when the resource is a collection (falling under the definition of Leader/07 code "c": A made-up multipart group of items that were not originally published, distributed,
or produced together.). It may also be applied to electronic resources
that are collections in the sense of a made-up multipart group of
- manuscript - This attribute is used as manuscript="yes" when the resource is written in handwriting or typescript. MARC 21 Leader/06 values "d", "f" and "t" designate manuscript items (combined with other type of resource information).
The following values may be used with <typeOfResource>:
- text (for "language
material"; includes MARC 21 Leader/06 values "a" and "t").
- cartographic (includes MARC 21 Leader/06 values "e" and "f").
- notated music (includes MARC 21 Leader/06 values "c" and "d").
- sound recording - This value by itself is used when a mixture of musical and nonmusical sound
recordings occurs in a resource or when a user does not want to make
a distinction between musical and nonmusical.
- sound recording-musical - This is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 Leader/06 value "j" and is used when a resource is predominately a musical sound recording.
- sound recording-nonmusical -
This is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 Leader/06 value "i" and is used when the sound recording is nonmusical in nature.
- still image (includes MARC
21 value "k") - Note that Leader/06 value "k" in MARC 21 is defined as "Two-dimensional nonprojectible graphic" so that this is not an exact equivalent. Slides and transparencies are also
considered still images in MODS, although in MARC 21 they are coded
as Leader/06 code "g" (projected medium).
- moving image (includes MARC 21 Leader/06 value "g") - Note that value "g" in MARC 21 is defined as "Projected medium," so this is not an exact equivalent. It includes motion pictures and videorecordings,
as well as television programs, digital video and animated computer
graphics, but not slides and transparencies. It does not include moving
images that are primarily computer programs, such as computer games
or computer-oriented multimedia (these are included in "software, multimedia").
- three dimensional object (includes MARC 21 Leader/06 value "r").
- software, multimedia (includes MARC 21 Leader/06 value "m") - This value is appropriate for any electronic resource without a significant
aspect that indicates on of the other <typeOfResource> categories. It includes: software, numeric data, computer-oriented multimedia
and online systems and services.
- mixed material (includes MARC 21 Leader/06 value "p") - This value uses the same definitions as value "p" (It indicates that there are significant materials in two or more forms that
are usually related by virtue of their having been accumulated by
or about a person or body. Mixed material includes archival fonds
and manuscript collections of mixed forms of materials, such as text,
photographs, and sound recordings.)
There are no subelements defined for <typeOfResource>.
<titleInfo> |
<nonSort>The </nonSort> |
naval and military map of the United States</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<typeOfResource>cartographic</typeOfResource> |
<genre>map</genre> |
<titleInfo> |
Council meeting; speech by Dewey Rodgers</title> |
</titleInfo> |
recording-nonmusical</typeOfResource> |
authority="marcgt">speech</genre> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Glove</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<physicalDescription> |
<form authority="gmd">[sound
recording]</form> |
</physicalDescription> |
recording-musical</typeOfResource> |
<titleInfo> |
of Django Reinhardt, Aquarium, New York, N.Y., ca. Nov. 1946]</title> |
</titleInfo> |
image</typeOfResource> |
<titleInfo> |
<nonSort>The</nonSort> |
of freedom</title> |
</titleInfo> |
music</typeOfResource> |
music</genre> |
<titleInfo> |
<title> Collection
relating to A. E.Housman</title> |
</titleInfo> |
manuscript="yes" collection="yes">mixed material</typeOfResource> |
manuscripts, typescripts, galley and page proofs, newspaper clippings,
printed material, monographs, and musical scores pertaining primarily
to Richards's biography of A. E. Housman titled Housman, 1896-1936
(1941) </abstract> |
years of Coca-Cola advertising </titleInfo></title> |
image</typeOfResource> |
picture</genre> |
<titleInfo> |
ball</title> |
</titleInfo> |
dimensional object</typeOfResource> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Google</title> |
</titleInfo> |
multimedia</typeOfResource> |
authority="marcgt">online system or service</genre> |
engine</genre> |
Definition: A
term(s) that designates a category characterizing a particular
style, form, or content, such as artistic, musical, literary composition,
Application: "genre" contains
terms that give more specificity than the broad terms used in <typeOfResource>. The terms may be from a controlled list with a designation of the authoritative
list used in the authority attribute, or it may be an uncontrolled
term. If no authority is specified, it is assumed that the term
is uncontrolled. |
There are no subelements defined for <genre>.
<genre authority="rbgenr">HymnalsGermany</genre>
<genre authority="marcgt">folktale</genre>
<genre>rock music</genre>
Definition: Information
about the origin of the resource, including place of origin or
publication, publisher/originator, and dates associated with the
Application: "originInfo" is
a wrapper element that contains all subelements related to publication
and origination information. It includes all dates associated
with the resource (except for temporal coverage, which goes
under <subject> and dates of the metadata, which go in <recordInfo>), and issuance information. Data is input only within each subelement. |
The following subelements are defined for <originInfo>.
They are enumerated below.
<originInfo> |
<place> |
Definition: Name
of a place associated with the issuing, publication, release,
distribution, manufacture, production, or origin of a resource.
Application: "place" is a wrapper element for placeTerm to indicate place of publication/origin.
Places as subjects are included under <subject><geographic> or <subject><hierarchicalGeographic>. <place> is used in connection with the origin of a resource, i.e., publication, issuance,
etc. |
"placeTerm" is used to express place in a textual
or coded form. If both a code and a term are given that represent the same place,
use one <place> and multiple occurrences of <placeTerm>. If different places, repeat <place><placeTerm>.
- type -
This attribute may be used with the following values:
- text -
This value is used to express place in a textual form
(may be place of publication as expressed in MARC 21 field 260 subfield $a).
- code-
This value is used to express place in a coded form. The
authority attribute may be used to indicate the source
of the code.
- authority - This
attribute may be used with the following values:
Definition: The
name of the entity that published, printed, distributed, released,
issued, or produced the resource.
Application: "publisher" includes
the name of a publisher/originator or a statement about publication/origin.
It is equivalent to MARC 21 field 260 subfield $b. |
Note that there is no wrapper element for dates.
Definition: the
date that the resource was published, released or issued.
Application: "dateIssued" is
equivalent to dates in MARC 21 field 260 subfield $c. It may be in textual or structured form. <dateIssued> may be recorded according to the MARC 21 rules for field 008/07-14 with encoding="marc."
Definition: the
date of creation of the resource.
Application: "dateCreated" may
be in textual or structured form. This type of date is recorded
in various places in MARC 21: field 260 subfield $g, for some types of material in field 260 subfield $c, date of original in field 534 subfield $c and date of reproduction in field 533 subfield $d. If creation date is also the origination date as used in MARC 21
field 260 subfield $c, use the <dateIssued> element or repeat both <dateCreated and <dateIssued>.
Definition: the
date on which the resource was digitized or a subsequent snapshot
was taken.
Application: "dateCaptured" is
particularly useful for Web resources because of their changeability.
This could be a date that the resource was captured or could also
be the date of creation. This is roughly equivalent to MARC field 033.
Definition: a
date in which the content of a resource is valid.
Application: "dateValid" is
roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 046 subfields $m and $n.
Definition: a
date in which a resource is modified or changed.
Application: Note
that dateModified is used for modification of the resource, not
of the metadata. In many cases a modified resource may be considered
a new resource and described as such."dateModified" is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 046 subfield $j.
Definition: a
date in which a resource is copyrighted.
Application: "dateCopyright" does
not have a single MARC 21 equivalent. A copyright date may be
used in 260$c preceded by the letter "c" if it appears that way on the resource.
Definition: a
date that does not fall into another category but is important
to record.
Application: "dateOther" may
be used with the "type" attribute to designate a specific kind of date which was not deemed of sufficient
general use to have its own date element.
Definition: information
identifying the edition or version to which the resource belongs.
Application: Resources
that constitute the same "edition" generally embody essentially the same content. "edition" is equivalent to MARC 21 field 250. |
Definition: a
term that designates how the resource is issued.
Application: "issuance" is
equivalent to those values in MARC 21 Leader/07 that designate issuance characteristics. "Collection, which designates an aggregation level is included in the collection
attribute in the <typeOfResource> element. <issuance> may be used with the following values:
- continuing -
A resource that is issued over time with no predetermined
conclusion. Continuing resources include serials and ongoing
integrating resources, i.e. those that are continuously updated.
The value is equivalent to codes "b," "i" and "s" in Leader/07.
- monographic - A resource that is either complete in one part or intended to be completed
in a finite number of separate parts. The value is equivalent
to codes "a," "c," "d" and "m" in Leader/07.
Definition: a
statement of publication frequency in a textual form.
Application: "frequency" is equivalent to the information in MARC 21 008/18 (Frequency) for Continuing Resources, where it is given in coded form or in field 310 (Current Publication Frequency), where it is given in textual form. This information is also found in coded form in the MARC 21 Holdings record in subfield $w (Frequency) in fields 853-855. An authority attribute may indicate whether the term comes from a controlled vocabulary.
<originInfo> |
<place> |
type="code" authority="marccountry">dcu</placeTerm> |
type="text">Washington, DC</placeTerm> |
</place> |
of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, in collaboration with
Follett Software Company</publisher> |
<dateIssued>2003</dateIssued> |
ed.</edition> |
<issuance>monographic</issuance> |
</originInfo> |
<originInfo> |
encoding="iso8601">20000122</copyrightDate> |
encoding="iso8601">20010712</dateCaptured> |
<issuance>continuing</issuance> |
</originInfo> |
<originInfo> |
encoding="iso8601" point="start">20011008</dateValid> |
encoding="iso8601" point="end">20011027</dateValid> |
</originInfo> |
<originInfo> |
<place> |
type="text">Milan</placeTerm> |
</place> |
Lucca</publisher> |
<place> |
type="text">Florence</placeTerm> |
</place> |
<publisher>Ducci</publisher> |
<place> |
type="text">Chiasso</placeTerm> |
</place> |
Ticinese</publisher> |
<place> |
type="text">Naples</placeTerm> |
</place> |
et C.</publisher> |
1856 and 1862</dateIssued> |
encoding="marc" point="start">1856</dateIssued> |
encoding="marc" point="end">1862</dateIssued> |
<issuance>monographic</issuance> |
</originInfo> |
<originInfo> |
<place> |
type="code" authority="marccountry">nyu</placeTerm> |
type="text">New York</placeTerm> |
</place> |
for the American Vacuum Society by the American Institute of Physics</publisher> |
<dateIssued>1994</dateIssued> |
<issuance>monographic</issuance> |
</originInfo> |
<originInfo> |
encoding="iso8601">20031008</dateModified> |
</originInfo> |
<originInfo> |
keyDate="yes">1972-10-08</dateCreated> |
</originInfo> |
<originInfo> |
<place> |
type="code" authority="iso3166">usa</placeTerm> |
type="text">United States</placeTerm> |
</place> |
<dateIssued>1975</dateIssued> |
</originInfo> |
<originInfo> |
<place> |
type="code" authority="marccountry">dcu</placeTerm> |
type="text">[Washington, D.C</placeTerm> |
</place> |
of Congress</publisher> |
<dateIssued>1998-]</dateIssued> |
encoding="marc" point="start">1998</dateIssued> |
encoding="marc" point="end">9999</dateIssued> |
<issuance>monographic</issuance> |
</originInfo> |
<originInfo> |
<place> |
type="code" authority="marccountry">cau</placeTerm> |
type="text">Menlo Park, CA</placeTerm> |
</place> |
for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities</publisher> |
<dateIssued>-1988</dateIssued> |
encoding="marc" point="start">1985</dateIssued> |
encoding="marc" point="end">1988</dateIssued> |
<issuance>continuing</issuance> |
<frequency authority="marcfrequency">Annual</frequency> |
</originInfo> |
<originInfo> |
point="start">20011008</dateOther> |
point="end">20011027</dateOther> |
</originInfo> |
Definition: a
designation of the language in which the content of a resource
is expressed.
Application: "language" may
also be expressed in conjunction with each element in a MODS encoding
by means of the xml:lang and/or lang attributes to designate the
language used in the metadata value; see section on language for more information.
<languageOfCataloging> under <recordInfo> is
used to give the language of the metadata in the record as a whole. This is not
the language of a resource, but of the record metadata. |
<languageTerm> |
"languageTerm" contains
the language(s) of the content of the resource. It may be expressed
in textual or coded form. If in coded form, the source of the
code is contained in the value of the authority attribute. If
no authority is given, it is assumed that the content is textual.
(Alternatively, instead of using a textual form, the content may
be in coded form with an authority attribute, and an XSLT stylesheet
may be used to translate the code into a textual form.) If there
is more than one representation of the same language, e.g. using different forms of the same language (code or text) or from different authorities, <languageTerm> is repeated within the <language> container. If the content of the resource is in more than one language, <language> is repeated. |
- type -
This attribute may be used with the following values:
- text -
This value is used to express language in a textual form.
- code-
This value is used to express language in a coded form.
- authority - This
attribute may contain the following values:
- iso639-2b -
A bibliographic language code from ISO 639-2 (Codes for
the representation of names of languages: alpha-3 code).
The bibliographic language codes are identical to both
NISO Z39.53 and the MARC Code List for Languages.
- rfc3066 -
A language identifier as specified by the Internet Best
Current Practice specification RFC3066. This value includes an ISO 639-1 (alpha-2) or ISO 639-2 (alpha-3) language
code with optional secondary subtags.
- iso639-3 - A language code from ISO 639-3 (Codes for the representation of names of languages - Part 3: Alpha-3 code for comprehensive coverage of languages).
- rfc4646 - A language identifier as specified by the Internet Best
Current Practice specification RFC4646. This document gives guidance on the use of ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2, and ISO 639-3 language
identifiers with optional secondary subtags and extensions.
- objectPart -
This attribute designates which part of the resource is in the language
supplied, e.g. <language objectPart="summary"><languageTerm authority="iso639-2b">spa</languageTerm></language> indicates that only the summary is in Spanish. The values of the attribute are
not controlled, although it is preferable that institutions use consistent
<language> |
type="code" authority="rfc3066">en</languageTerm> |
</language> |
<language> |
type="code" authority="iso639-2b">fre</languageTerm> |
</language> |
[An XSLT stylesheet
could be applied to transform this code to: ]
Language: French |
objectPart="summary"> |
type="code" authority="iso639-2b">ita</languageTerm> |
type="code" authority="iso639-2b" >fre</languageTerm> |
</language> |
<language> |
type="text">Italian</languageTerm> |
</language> |
<language> |
<languageTerm type="code" authority="iso639-2b">eng<languageTerm> |
</language> |
<language> |
<languageTerm type="code" authority="iso639-2b">fre<languageTerm> |
</language> |
[The resource contains
both English and French text] |
<language> |
type="code" authority="rfc4646" >zh-Hans</languageTerm> |
</language> |
<language> |
type="code" authority="iso639-3" >arz</languageTerm> |
[The resource contains text in Egyptian Arabic, which is coded as an individual language in ISO 639-3.] |
</language> |
"physicalDescription" is
a wrapper element that contains all subelements relating to physical
description information of the resource described. Data is input
only within each subelement. |
The following subelements are defined for <physicalDescription>.
They are enumerated below.
Definition: a
designation of a particular physical presentation of a resource.
Application: "form" includes
information that specifies the physical form or medium of material
for a resource. Either a controlled list of values or free text
may be used.
- type -
This attribute is used if desired to specify whether the form
concerns materials or techniques, e.g. type="material": oil paint; type="technique": painting
- authority - The name of the authoritative list for a controlled value is recorded here.
A list of authorities is maintained at: www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/form/formsource.html. The MARC 21 form list contains most of the values defined in fields 008/23 (BK, MU, CR, MX) and 008/29 (MP, VM). Use authority="marcform" to indicate its use.
Definition: a
term that indicates an overall assessment of the physical
quality of an electronic resource in relation to its intended
Application: "reformattingQuality" is
roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 007/13 (ER). The following values may be used:
- access - The electronic
resource is intended to support current electronic access
to the original item (i.e., reference use), but is not sufficient
to serve as a preservation copy.
- preservation - The electronic resource was created via reformatting to help preserve the
original item. The capture and storage techniques ensure high-quality,
long-term protection.
- replacement - The electronic resource is of high enough quality to serve as a replacement
if the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed.
If serving more than one purpose, the element may be repeated.
Definition: an
identification of the electronic format type, or the data
representation of the resource.
Application: "internetMediaType" specifies
the electronic format type, such as text/html, ASCII, Postscript
file, executable application or JPEG image. It is roughly equivalent
to MARC 21 field 856 subfield $q, although subfield $q may also contain other designations of electronic
format.. The <internetMediaType> value is generally taken from a controlled list, especially from the Internet
Media types (MIME types) (see: www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html for a complete list).
The element may also include local x-types. |
Definition: a
statement of the number and specific material of the units
of the resource that express physical extent.
Application: "extent" may
be used with electronic resources, e.g. digitized collection
of slides, to show how many slides constitute the resource.
It is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 fields 300 subfields $a, $b, $c, and $e and 306 subfield $a. |
Definition: a
designation of the source of a digital file important to its
creation, use and management.
Application: "digitalOrigin" may
indicate the source of a digital file important to its creation,
use and management. It is roughly equivalent to MARC 007/11
(Antecedent/source) for electronic resources. The following
values may be used:
- born digital -
A resource was created and is intended to remain in digital
form. (No MARC equivalent, but includes value "c")
- reformatted digital -
A resource was created by digitization of the original non-digital
form. (MARC 007/11 value "a")
- digitized microfilm - A resource was created by digitizing a microform (MARC 007/11 value "b")
- digitized other analog - A resource was created by digitizing another form of the resource not covered
by the other values, e.g. an intermediate form such as photocopy,
transparency, slide, etc. (MARC 007/11 value "d")
Definition: general
textual information about the physical description of a resource.
Application: "note" is
roughly equivalent to the types of notes that may be contained
in MARC 21 fields 340, 351 or general 500 notes concerning physical condition, characteristics, etc. A link may be supplied
in lieu of or in addition to the content. Each note should be
entered in a separate <note> subelement. A list of note types used by MODS implementors has been compiled.
<physicalDescription> |
<form authority="marcform">electronic</form> |
digital</digitalOrigin> |
<reformattingQuality>access</reformattingQuality> |
<internetMediaType>text/html</internetMediaType> |
</physicalDescription> |
<physicalDescription> |
<note type="organization">Fixed-length,
nonhierarchical; Month by carrier code and flight number</note> |
</physicalDescription> |
<physicalDescription> |
<extent>7" x
9"</extent> |
<note displayLabel="Location
within resource">Between entry for April 7 and April 19, 1843</note> |
</physicalDescription> |
<physicalDescription> |
<form authority="marcform">print</form> |
music ; 26 cm</extent> |
<reformattingQuality>replacement</reformattingQuality> |
</physicalDescription> |
<physicalDescription> |
sound disc (56 min.) : digital ; 3/4 in.</extent> |
</physicalDescription> |
Definition: a
summary of the content of the resource.
Application: "abstract" is
roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 520. A link may be supplied in lieu of or in addition to the content. |
There are no subelements defined for <abstract>.
<abstract xlink:href= "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/cchrie98.htm"/>
the results of an ongoing evaluation of State activity relating to improvement
of criminal records. Activities reviewed include upgrading of accuracy
and completeness of records, automation, implementation of positive
identification procedures and procedures for responding to firearm background
check inquiries. The report describes the nature of activities initiated,
time until completion, and impact on availability of records. Characteristics
of individual states are represented in some areas. The document was
prepared by Queues Enforth Development under BJS award 95-RU-RX-K002.
2/00 NCJ 179768</abstract>
<abstract xml:lang="fr" xlink:href= "http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=808.html"> A
la fin du XIXème siècle, Rudyard Kipling, un jeune journaliste installé en Inde, fait la connaissance de Daniel Dravot et de Peachy Carnehan, deux anciens
sergents de l'armée britannique à la recherche de la fortune et de la gloire. Après un long et périlleux voyage via l'Afghanistan, ces derniers pénètrent dans une contrée sauvage, le Kafristan, où des villageois sont en guerre contre une ville rivale. Tous deux s'engagent
dans la bataille.Au cours des combats, Dravot reçoit une flèche en pleine poitrine, mais continue à lutter. En réalité, la flèche s'est plantée dans la catouchière. Mais aux yeux du peuple, il passe pour un être surnaturel, le dieu Sikander, fils d'Alexandre le Grand. Après ce miracle supposé, Dravot est proclamé roi du Kafristan et bénéficie de la puissance absolue. Mais le pouvoir peut corrompre même le meilleur des hommes.</abstract>
<abstract xlink:href="http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/CurrentCites/2003/cc03.14.3.html" displayLabel="Review">Written
in a rather whimsical style, this short article makes a serious statement
about the direction in which libraries are evolving. The word 'library'
may eventually be dropped from our vocabulary, to be replaced by the
'idea store'. Books are being displaced by computers, multimedia content,
playgrounds, thematic displays, and cafes. This is proving extremely
propular, given the surge in client population. The library locales
mentioned are local, however, the transformation of libraries is universal. </abstract>
Definition: A
description of the contents of a resource.
Application: "tableOfContents" contains
contents notes for a resource. It is roughly equivalent to MARC
21 field 505. A link may be supplied in lieu of or in addition to the content. If a more
structured and rich table of contents is needed, use <relatedItem> with type="constituent". |
There are no subelements defined for <tableOfContents>.
suitable tone ; Left hand colouring ; Rhythm and accent ; Tempo
; Flexibility ; Ornaments -- Sonata in D major, op. V, no. 1 / Corelli
-- Sonata in G minor / Purcell (with Robert Donington, gamba) --
Forlane from Concert royal no. 3 / Couperin</tableOfContents> |
xlink:href= "http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/99176484.html"/> </tableOfContents> |
displayLabel="Chapters included in book">Bluegrass odyssey -- Hills of Tennessee -- Sassafrass -- Muddy river -- Take
your shoes off Moses -- Don't let Smokey Mountain smoke get in
your eyes -- Farewell party -- Faded love -- Super sonic bluegrass
-- Old love letters -- Will the circle be unbroken</tableOfContents> |
type="partial contents">Baptisms, 1816-1872 --Church members, 1816-1831 --History of the Second Presbyterian
Church of West Durham</tableOfContents> |
made Web sites? What could people do? Search the archive Visit this site Analysis The September 11 Web Sphere </tableOfContents> |
Definition: a
description of the intellectual level of the audience for which
the resource is intended.
Application: When
more than one target audience is recorded, the element is repeated.
Either a controlled list of values or free text may be used. |
There are no subelements defined for <targetAudience>.
authority="marctarget">adolescent</targetAudience> |
authority="marctarget">adult</targetAudience> |
<targetAudience>kindergarten</targetAudience> |
authority="marctarget">juvenile</targetAudience> |
authority="marctarget">adolescent</targetAudience> |
[Resource contains
information targeted to both juvenile and adolescent audiences] |
Definition: general
textual information relating to a resource.
Application: "note" is
roughly equivalent to MARC 21 fields 5XX. A link may be supplied in lieu of or in addition to the content. Each note
should be entered in a separate element. Notes relating to physical
description aspects of a resource should be recorded in the <note> subelement of <physicalDescription>. |
There are no subelements defined for <note>.
<note type="performers">Anne
Baxter (Louise), Maria Perschy (Angela), Gustavo Rojo (Bill), Reginald
Gilliam (Mr. Johnson), [Catherine Elliot?] (Aunt Sallie), Ben Tatar
<note type="statement
of responsibility">written by Burt Kimmelman</note>
<note>Based on a play
which originally appeared in France as "Un peu plus tard, un peu plus tôt"</note>
<note type="historical" displayLabel="Historical
note:" xlink:href=" http://www.mnhs.org/library/findaids/80881.html">The Faribault State School and Hospital provided care, treatment, training, and
a variety of other services to mentally retarded individuals and their
families. It was operated by the State of Minnesota from 1879 to 1998
under different administrative structures and with different names.
A more detailed history of the Hospital may be found at:</note>
Definition: A
term or phrase representing the primary topic(s) on which a work
is focused.
Application: "subject" is
a wrapper tag that binds together subelements. If the subject
is a controlled heading from an authoritative list, use the
authority attribute to indicate the authority. If it is not
desired to parse the subject subelements, use <subject><topic> and a string. If no authority attribute is present, the data is assumed to be
an uncontrolled term. Repeat the subject for each subject string. |
The following subelements are defined for <subject>.
They are enumerated below.
"topic" is used as the tag for any topical subjects
that are not appropriate in the <geographic>, <temporal>, <titleInfo>, or <name> subelements. If there is an uncontrolled term, <topic> is used (since <subject> is a binding element). <topic> is equivalent to MARC 21 fields 650 and 6XX subfields $x and $v (with authority attribute defined) and MARC 21 field 653 with no authority attribute.
Note that form subdivisions in LCSH are coded as <topic> because
it was felt that the distinction was too difficult to make. |
"geographic" is used for geographic subject
terms that are not parsed as hierarchical geographics. If the geographic name
is part of a corporate body (i.e., United States. Senate), it is coded as <name>, not <geographic>. <geographic> is equivalent to MARC 21 field 651 and 6XX subfield $z. |
"temporal" is used for chronological subject terms
or temporal coverage. It may be expressed as a controlled subject term or as
a structured date using the same data definition as MODS dates. <temporal> is equivalent to MARC 21 fields 045 and 6XX subfield $y.
"titleInfo" includes a title used as a subject.
All subelements and attributes used under the top-level element <titleInfo> may be used with this subelement. An authority attribute may also be used at
this level if desired, in addition to at the highest level (under <subject>). Equivalent to MARC 21 field 630. |
"name" includes a name used as a subject. All subelements
and attributes used under the top-level element <name> may be used. An authority attribute may also be used at this level if desired
in addition to at the highest level (under <subject>). Equivalent to MARC 21 fields 600, 610, 611. |
"genre" includes a genre or form used as part of
a subject string when the subject authority distinguishes subdivisions of the
main subject (e.g. LCSH). If describing the genre of a resource as a whole, use
in the <genre> element. This is used to facilitate mapping between subject authorities that
use form subdivisions. Equivalent to subfield $v in MARC 21 6XX fields. |
Definition: a
geographic name given in a hierarchical form relating to the resource.
Application: "hierarchicalGeographic" includes
a hierarchical form of place name which is both readable by humans
and parsable by machines. This form can be applied to the degree
of specificity that is known or relevant and used to generate
browsable hierarchies even when values are specified to different
levels. Explicit inclusion of the complete hierarchy is of potential
benefit for automated consultation of a gazetteer to derive map
coordinates or to support a map-based interface for searching
by country or state. It is equivalent to MARC 21 field 752.
The following subelements are defined for <hierarchicalGeographic>.
They are enumerated below. In general, use the term most commonly
used in the original language or its translation for the geographic
entity. First order political divisions may have different terms
depending on the country. For instance, first order political
divisions in the U.S. are states; in Canada provinces; in United
Kingdom, England, Scotland and Wales are countries and next order
divisions (e.g. Yorkshire) are counties. |
--- Includes Asia, Africa, Europe, North America,
South America.
--- Name of a country, i.e. a political entity
considered a country.
--- Includes first order political divisions called
provinces within a country, e.g. Canada.
--- Includes regions that have status as a jurisdiction, usually incorporating
more than one first level jurisdiction.
--- Includes first order political divisions called states within a country,
e.g. in U.S., Argentina, Italy. Use also for France département.
---Name of a geographical area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental
authority .
---Name of the largest local administrative unit in various countries,
e.g. England.
---Name of an inhabited place incorporated as a city, town, etc.
---Name of a smaller unit within a populated place, e.g., neighborhoods, parks or streets.
---Name of a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent
but is not itself a separate country.
---Name of a non-jurisdictional geographic entity.
---Name of any extraterrestrial entity or space, including solar systems, galaxies, star systems, and planets as well as geographic features of individual planets. |
"cartographics" is a wrapper element that
includes cartographic data indicating spatial coverage. It is equivalent to MARC
21 fields 034 and 255. If desired, cartographic elements may be bound together with a geographic name
(hierarchical or otherwise) within a <subject> element.
The following subelements are defined for <cartographics>.
They are enumerated below. |
"coordinates" contains a statement of coordinates
covered by the resource. One or more statements may be supplied. If one is supplied,
it is a point (i.e., a single location); if two, it is a line; if more than two,
it is a n-sided polygon where n=number of coordinates assigned. No three points
should be co-linear, and coordinates should be supplied in polygon-traversal
"scale" provides a statement of scale. It may include
any equivalency statements, vertical scales or vertical exaggeration statements
for relief models and other three-dimensional items.
"projection" provides a statement of projection. |
"geographicCode" includes a geographic area
code associated with a resource. It is equivalent to MARC 21 field 043.
A geographic code that represents the same entity
as a term in <geographic> is included within the same <subject> element.
"occupation " includes a term that is descriptive
of the occupation reflected in the contents of the described materials. It is
not used to list the occupations of the creators of the described materials,
unless those occupations are significantly reflected in the materials themselves
or bear some relationship to the materials. It is roughtly equivalent to MARC
21 field 656. |
<subject> |
<cartographics> |
<scale>1:22,000,000</scale> |
</cartographics> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
laborers</occupation> |
district case files</genre> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
<hierarchicalGeographic> |
<country>Canada</country> |
Columbia</province> |
<city>Vancouver</city> |
</hierarchicalGeographic> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
<cartographics> |
72°--E 148°/N 13°--N 18°</coordinates> |
<scale>1:22,000,000</scale> |
proj</projection> |
</cartographics> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
<cartographics> |
[1:6,336,000]. 1" = 100 miles. Vertical scale [1:192,000]. 1/16" = approx. 1000'</scale> |
</cartographics> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
<name type="personal" authority="naf"> |
Virginia</namePart> |
type="date">1882-1941</namePart> |
</name> |
</subject> |
authority="lcsh"> |
property--Mississippi--Tippah County--Maps</topic> |
</subject> |
may be encoded as the following (an XSLT stylesheet may be used
to generate hyphens in the string for display):] |
<subject> |
<occupation>Anthropologists</occupation> |
</subject> |
authority="lcsh"> |
property</topic> |
<geographic>Mississippi</geographic> |
County</geographic> |
<genre>Maps</genre> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
type="uniform" authority="naf"> |
Carnotense</title> |
</titleInfo> |
</subject> |
authority="lcsh"> |
<name> |
Lorca, Federico</namePart> |
type="date">1898-1936</namePart> |
</name> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
authority="marcgac">n-us-md</geographicCode> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
authority="iso3166">us</geographicCode> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
<hierarchicalGeographic> |
<country>France</country> |
<state>Doubs</state> |
</hierarchicalGeographic> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
<hierarchicalGeographic> |
<country>France</country> |
Comté</region> |
</hierarchicalGeographic> |
</subject> |
authority="lcshac"> |
founding</topic> |
</subject> |
authority="lcsh"> |
of births, etc</topic> |
<geographic>Massachusetts</geographic> |
<geographic>Springfield</geographic> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
<hierarchicalGeographic> |
States</country> |
<state>Kansas</state> |
<county>Butler</county> |
<city>Augusta</city> |
</hierarchicalGeographic> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
<hierarchicalGeographic> |
areas (Western Hemisphere)</area> |
</hierarchicalGeographic> |
</subject> |
authority="lctgm"> |
buildings</topic> |
(D.C.)</geographic> |
<temporal>1890-1910</temporal> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
encoding="iso8601">197505</temporal> |
</subject> |
authority="lcsh"> |
<topic>Musicology</topic> |
processing</topic> |
<genre>Periodicals</genre> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
<hierarchicalGeographic> |
Ocean</region> |
</hierarchicalGeographic> |
</subject> |
authority="lcsh"> |
music</topic> |
<temporal>1971-1980</temporal> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
<hierarchicalGeographic> |
Indian Ocean Territory</territory> |
</hierarchicalGeographic> |
<cartographics> |
00 S, 71 30 E</coordinates> |
</cartographics> |
</subject> |
authority="ericd"> |
Exploration</topic> |
</subject> |
authority="rvm"> |
catholique</topic> |
<topic>Histoire</topic> |
siècle</temporal> |
</subject> |
<subject> |
disabilities</topic> |
</subject> |
Definition: a
designation applied to a resource that indicates the subject by
applying a formal system of coding and organizing resources according
to subject areas.
Application: "classification" contains
the classification number of a resource. It may also include
the full call number if desired. This is equivalent to MARC
fields 050-08X, subfields $a and $b. |
There are no subelements defined for <classification>.
<classification authority="lcc">JK609.M2</classification>
<classification authority="cacodoc">CA2
PQ C07 81P52</classification>
<classification authority="lcc">TH6493</classification>
<classification authority="ddc" edition="11">683</classification>
Definition: Information
that identifies other resources related to the one being described.
Application: "relatedItem" includes a designation of the specific type of relationship as a value of the
type attribute and is a controlled list of types enumerated in
the schema. <relatedItem> is a container element under which any MODS element may be used as a subelement.
It is thus fully recursive.
<relatedItem> is equivalent to several fields in MARC 21. It includes the following:
- name/title added entries (fields 700, 710, 711 that
include subfield $t); type="constituent"
- series statements (fields 440, 490, 8XX);
- linking entry fields (fields 76X-78X);
various types
- original version note (field 534); type="original"
Since <relatedItem> may
include any MODS element as a subelement, it may describe a constituent
item if that is desired. This may be suitable, for instance, for
complex objects that require specific descriptive information
for constituent parts, but that are considered intellectually
one object (e.g. a CD with several tracks, digitized or analog).
Many of the MODS elements used here as subelements have mappings
in the MARC 21 76X-78X fields, while others do not. |
- type - The value of the type attribute
describes the relationship between the <relatedItem> and the resource being described in the MODS record. This attribute may contain
the following values:
- preceding - Information
concerning a predecessor to the resource (Equivalent to MARC
21 field 780).
- succeeding -
Information concerning a successor to the resource (Equivalent
to MARC 21 field 785).
- original - Information
concerning an original form of the resource (Equivalent to
MARC 21 fields 534, 786).
- host - Information
concerning a host or parent resource for the resource described;
this may be a parent collection (Equivalent to MARC 21 fields 760, 772, 773).
- constituent -
Information concerning a constituent unit of the resource.
This allows for more specific parsed information than may be
used in <tableOfContents>. (Equivalent to MARC 21 fields 762, 770, 774; fields 700, 710, 711 with subfield $t).
- series - Information
concerning the series in which a resource is issued.
- otherVersion -
Information concerning another version (i.e. change in intellectual
content) of the resource (Equivalent to MARC 21 field 775).
- otherFormat -
Information concerning another format (i.e. change in physical
format) of the resource (Equivalent to MARC 21 field 776).
- isReferencedBy -
Citations or references to published bibliographic descriptions,
reviews, abstracts, or indexes of the content of the resource
(Roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 510, but allows for additional parsing of data).
- xlink:href - This attribute
is used for an external link, including a link to a related record,
if applicable. Use <identifier> for a URI for the related resource itself.
- displayLabel -
This attribute is intended to be used when additional text associated
with the related item is needed for display. It is equivalent to MARC
21 fields 76X-78X subfields $i and $3.
- ID - See the Attributes
used throughout the schema for description.
Since any MODS element may be used under <relatedItem>,
the following subelements may be used. See the definitions in the guidelines
under applicable top-level elements. Although all MODS elements are
defined here, for purposes of interoperability, deep recursion may be
<titleInfo> |
P. Gottlieb Collection</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="constituent"> |
<titleInfo> |
of Charlie Parker and Tommy Potter, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y.,
ca. Oct. 1947]</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<name> |
William P.</namePart> |
type="date">1917-</namePart> |
</name> |
type="local">LC-GLB23-0542</identifier> |
</relatedItem> |
<titleInfo> |
dancer's guide and ball-roomcompanion</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="host" displayLabel="Parent"> |
<titleInfo> |
<nonSort>The</nonSort> |
ballroom companion [computer file] :</title> |
instruction manuals, ca. 1600-1920 /</subTitle> |
</titleInfo> |
type="lccn">98801326</identifier> |
type="uri">http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/dihtml/dihome.html</identifier> |
</relatedItem> |
type="isReferencedBy"> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Luck</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<name type="personal"> |
John</namePart> |
</name> |
<originInfo> |
<place> |
type="text">Argosy</placeTerm> |
</place> |
<dateIssued>1919</dateIssued> |
</originInfo> |
</relatedItem> |
<titleInfo> |
Robinson for Governor</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="host"> |
<titleInfo> |
2002 Web Archive</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="uri">http://www.loc.gov/minerva/collect/elec2002/</identifier> |
</relatedItem> |
type="host"> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Post-Fordism</title> |
Reader</subTitle> |
</titleInfo> |
type="personal"> |
type="given">Ash</namePart> |
type="family">Amin</namePart> |
<role> |
type="text">editor</roleTerm> |
</role> |
</name> |
<originInfo> |
<dateIssued>1994</dateIssued> |
Publishers</publisher> |
<place> |
type="text">Oxford</placeTerm> |
</place> |
</originInfo> |
<part> |
unit="page"> |
<start>23</start> |
<end>45</end> |
</extent> |
</part> |
</relatedItem> |
<titleInfo> |
of computer assisted research in musicology</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="succeeding"> |
<titleInfo> |
in musicology</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="issn">1057-9478</identifier> |
type="lccn">(DLC) 91656596</identifier> |
type="local">(OCoLC)21202412</identifier> |
</relatedItem> |
type="otherVersion"> |
type="uniform"> |
maturity (NRTA edition)</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="lccn">sn 84010086</identifier> |
</relatedItem> |
type="host"> |
<titleInfo> |
Journal of Urban and Regional Research</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<part> |
type="volume"> |
<number>24</number> |
</detail> |
type="issue"> |
<number>2</number> |
<caption>no.</caption> |
</detail> |
unit="page"> |
<start>361</start> |
<end>378</end> |
</extent> |
<date>2000</date> |
</part> |
</relatedItem> |
<titleInfo> |
di geofisica</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="preceding"> |
<titleInfo> |
de géophysique</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="issn">0003-4029</identifier> |
</relatedItem> |
type="series"> |
<titleInfo> |
africaine</title> |
</titleInfo> |
</relatedItem> |
type="related"> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Mashinovedenie</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="local">(DLC)###90646274#</identifier> |
type="local">(OCoLC)6258868</identifier> |
</relatedItem> |
type="otherFormat"> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Americas</title> |
</titleInfo> |
type="issn">0003-1615</identifier> |
type="local">(OCoLC)8370205</identifier> |
</relatedItem> |
"identifier" contains
a unique standard number or code that distinctively identifies a
resource. It includes manifestation, expression and work level identifiers. <identifier> should be repeated for each applicable identifier recorded, including invalid
and canceled identifiers. This is roughly equivalent to MARC fields 010, 020, 022, 024, 856 |
- type - There is no controlled list
of identifier types. Suggested values include, but are not limited
to the following:
- doi (Digital
Objects Identifier)
- hdl (Handle)
- isbn (International
Standard Book Number)
- ismn (International Standard Music
- isrc (International Standard Recording
- issn (International Standard Serials
- issue number
- istc (International Standard Text
- lccn (Library of Congress Control
- local
- matrix number
- music plate
- music publisher
- sici (Serial Item and Contribution
- stock number
- upc (Universal Product Code)
- uri (Uniform Resource Identifier)
- videorecording identifier
- displayLabel - This attribute
is intended to be used when additional text associated with the identifier
is necessary for display. This is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 856 subfields $3 or $y when using with type="uri".
- invalid - This attribute signifies
a canceled or invalid identifier. The invalid attribute should be
used with the following value:
- yes - This value is used only when recording
a canceled or invalid identifier. If invalid="yes" is not present, the identifier is assumed to be valid. Do not use invalid="no."
- lang - See the Attributes
used throughout the schema for description.
- xml:lang - See the Attributes
used throughout the schema for description.
- script - See the Attributes
used throughout the schema for description.
- transliteration - See
the Attributes used throughout the schema for description.
There are no subelements defined for <identifier>.
<identifier type="music
publisher">N.M. 275 Nova Music</identifier>
<identifier type="isbn" invalid="yes">0877780116</identifier>
<identifier type="lccn">##2001336783</identifier>
<identifier type="uri" displayLabel="Electronic
resource (JPEG)">http://susdl.fcla.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~fdl/fdlcgi?FA00000011%2F.jpg</identifier>
<identifier type="doi">doi:10.1006/jmbi.1995.0238</identifier>
<identifier type="uri">http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.law/llst.072</identifier>
<identifier type="uri" displayLabel="Active
site"> http://www.georgewbush.com/</identifier>
<identifier type="uri" displayLabel="Essays
from annual reports">http://woodrow.mpls.frb.fed.us/publs/ar/index.html</identifier>
<identifier type="hdl">hdl:loc.pnp/cph.3c30104</identifier>
Definition: "location" identifies
the institution or repository holding the resource, or a remote
location in the form of a URL where it is available. |
The following subelements are defined for <location>.
They are enumerated below.
Definition: the
institution or repository that holds the resource or where
it is available.
Application: "physicalLocation" may
be expressed as text and/or as a code . Use the authority attribute
to designate the source of the code. <physicalLocation> typically includes specific information used to locate a resource within a collection,
such as the name or code of an institution/repository, and perhaps
subcollection. A shelf number is given in <shelfLocator>.
<physicalLocation> is
equivalent to MARC 21 field 852 subfields $a, $b and $e. If information equivalent to these subfields is
included, it is given in a string and is not parsed.
The attribute xlink may be used to link to additional information about the entity recorded in physicalLocation, e.g. the institution's website.
Definition: Shelfmark or other shelving designation that indicates the location identifier for a copy.
This information is equivalent to MARC 852 $h (Classification part), $i (Item part), $j (Shelving control number), $k (Call number prefix), $l (Shelving form of title), $m (Call number suffix) and $t (Copy number). If information equivalent to these subfields is
included, it is given in a string and is not parsed. If more detailed holdings information is given at the item level, <shelfLocator> under <holdingSimple> is used. |
Definition: the
Uniform Resource Location of the resource.
Application: "url" is
for a networked location. Note that <identifier> is used for persistent identifiers that may or may not be resolvable.
- displayLabel -
This attribute is intended to be used when additional text
associated with the URL is needed for display. It is equivalent
to MARC 21 field 856 subfields $y and $3.
- dateLastAccessed -
This attribute is intended to express the date that a digital
resource has been accessed remotely. This may be useful to
a user trying to access the site because of the volatility
of Web content. There is no encoding scheme specified for
use with this attribute, however, a structured date is recommended.
There is no MARC equivalent for "dateLast Accessed".
- note -
This attribute includes notes that are associated with the
link that is included as the value of the <url> element. It is generally free text.
- access -
This attribute indicates the type of resource that the user
or aggregator will access when following the URL link. It
is particularly useful to provide a flag in the context of
OAI service providers harvesting metadata. The following values
may be used with the access attribute:
- preview -
indicates a link to a thumbnail or snippet of text
- raw object -
indicates a direct link to the object described (e.g.
a jpg or pdf document). Used only when the object is
represented by a single file.
- object in context -
indicates a link to the object within the context of
its environment (with associated metadata, navigation,
- usage -
This attribute indicates how the object represented by the
link will be used. Aggregators may use it to determine which
URL is most appropriate for end-user display, which in most
cases is the object in context (which may be marked as such
using the access attribute). The following value is defined
(other possible values have not yet been identified):
- primary display -
indicates that the link is the most appropriate to display
for end users
Definition: General information about what the institution identified in physicalLocation holds
of the resource and its specific location.
Application: Holdings information consists of copy-specific information about the resource, information about the specific location within an institution, version information, and other information that is peculiar to the institution. <holdingSimple> is a set of MODS internally defined elements and corresponds roughly to summary holdings information. If more granularity is required, <holdingExternal> may be used in lieu of <holdingSimple> with elements from an external schema. <holdingSimple> consists of a single subelement, <copyInformation> which has several subelements.<holdingSimple> is not repeatable; if additional holdings statements are needed for the resource, repeat <location> with appropriate subelements. For more information see MODS Holdings Information
Definition: Information about a specific tangible instance of a bibliographic resource or set which comprises one or more pieces via indication of sublocation and/or locator. |
Definition: Designation of a particular physical presentation of a resource.
Application: This is equivalent to MODS <physicalDescription><form>. It may be included under <copyInformation> when the MODS record refers to multiple forms and there is different detailed holdings information associated with each form. Form is not repeatable; <copyInformation> is repeated within <holdingSimple> for multiple forms.
- authority - The name of the authoritative list for a controlled value is recorded here. A list of authorities is maintained at: www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/form/formsource.html. The MARC 21 form list contains most of the values defined in fields 008/23 (BK, MU, CR, MX) and 008/29 (MP, VM). Use authority="marcform" to indicate its use.
Definition: Department, division or section of an institution holding a copy of the resource.
Application: This information is equivalent to MARC 852 $b (Sublocation or collection), $c (Shelving location), $e (Address), which are expressed together as a string. It may be repeated for multiple equivalent items in different sublocations within the institution named in <physicalLocation>. |
Definition: Shelfmark or other shelving designation that indicates the location identifier for a copy.
Application: This information is equivalent to MARC 852 $h (Classification part), $i (Item part), $j (Shelving control number), $k (Call number prefix), $l (Shelving form of title), $m (Call number suffix) and $t (Copy number). If information equivalent to these subfields is
included, it is given in a string and is not parsed. <shelfLocator> may be given at the bibliographic description level under <location> (i.e. shelfLocator of the entire resource) or at the item level under <holdingSimple> (when shelfLocator may vary by each physical piece). |
Definition: Uniform Resource Location of the resource.
Application: This is a copy-specific form of the MODS <location><url>, without its attributes. |
Definition: Note relating to a specific copy of a document.
- type - This attribute is not controlled by a list and thus is open-ended.
- displayLabel - This attribute is intended to be used when additional text associated with the note is necessary for display.
Definition: Alpha-numeric identification, such as a volume or issue, and an indication of the date of publication or date of issue of a component of a multi-part resource, distinguishing it from other components of the same resource.
Application: <enumerationAndChronology> is an unparsed string that comprises a summary holdings statement. If more granularity is needed, a parsed statement using an external schema may be used within <holdingExternal>.
- unitType - the category of bibliographic entity for which enumerationAndChronology is given, i.e. basic bibliographic unit, supplement, or index. This attribute may contain the following values:
- 1 - information is about the basic bibliographic unit
- 2 - information is about supplementary material to the basic unit
- 3 - information is about index(es) to the basic unit
Definition: Holdings information that uses a schema defined externally to MODS.
Application: <holdingExternal> may include more detailed holdings information than that accommodated by the MODS schema. An example is ISO 20775 and its accompanying schema. |
<location> |
<physicalLocation authority="marcorg">DLC
MicRR Microfilm 82/528 MicRR</physicalLocation> |
</location> |
<location> |
<physicalLocation xlink:href="http://www.loc.gov/rr/mss/" >Library
of Congress Manuscript Division</physicalLocation> |
</location> |
[xlink attribute links to the web page of the institution represented by the value] |
<location> |
<physicalLocation displayLabel="Correspondence">National
Archives and Records Service. Genealogical Research Recording. Pennsylvania
Ave. at 8th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. USA </physicalLocation> |
</location> |
<location> |
displayLabel="French version">http://www.cgiar.org/ifpri/reports/0297rpt/0297-ft.htm</url> |
</location> |
<location> |
dateLastAccessed="2004-01-27">http://www.loc.gov/marc/</url> |
</location> |
<location> |
access="raw object>http://www.loc.gov/standards/relreport.pdf</url> |
</location> |
<location> |
<url access="preview">http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/lilly/slocum/thumbnail/LL-SLO-000077</url> |
<url access="object
in context">http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/lilly/slocum/LL-SLO-000077</url> |
access="raw object">http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/lilly/slocum/full/LL-SLO-000077</url> |
</location> |
location> |
note="Adobe Acrobat Reader required"> http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS31437 </url> |
</location> |
<physicalLocation>University of Chicago </physicalLocation> |
http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/dig/chopin/373</url> |
</location> |
<physicalLocation>Library of Congress </physicalLocation> |
<sublocation>Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA</sublocation> |
<shelfLocator>DAG no. 1410</shelfLocator> |
</location> |
<physicalLocation authority=”marcorg”>MnRM</physicalLocation> |
<holdingSimple> |
<copyInformation> |
<sublocation>Patient reading room</sublocation> |
<shelfLocator>QH511.A1J68</shelfLocator> |
<enumerationAndChronology unitType=”1“> v.1-v.8 1970-1976</enumerationAndChronology> |
</copyInformation> |
</holdingSimple> |
</location> |
<physicalLocation authority=”marcorg”> CaOON</physicalLocation> |
<holdingSimple> |
<copyInformation> |
<form authority=”marcform“>print</form> |
<sublocation>Chem</sublocation> |
<shelfLocator> QD.C454L55</shelfLocator> |
<enumerationAndChronology unitType=”1“> v. 1-24 1994-2000</enumerationAndChronology> |
</copyInformation> |
<copyInformation> |
<form authority=”marcform“>electronic</form> |
<electronicLocator>http://cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/journal1.html</electronicLocator> |
<enumerationAndChronology unitType=”1“>v. 16-24 1998-2000</enumerationAndChronology> |
</copyInformation> |
</holdingSimple> |
</location> |
<physicalLocation>Menlo Park Public Library</physicalLocation> |
<holdingExternal> |
<holding xmlns:iso20775="info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:iso20775" xsi:schemaLocation="info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:iso20775 http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso20775/N130_ISOholdings_v6_1.xsd"> |
<institutionIdentifier> |
<value>JRF</value> |
<typeOrSource> |
<pointer>http://worldcat.org/registry/institutions/</pointer> |
</typeOrSource> |
</institutionIdentifier> |
<physicalLocation>Menlo Park Public Library</physicalLocation> |
<physicalAddress> |
<text>Menlo Park, CA 94025 United States </text> |
</physicalAddress> |
<electronicAddress> |
<text>http://www.worldcat.org/wcpa/oclc/15550774? page=frame&url=%3D%3FUTF-8%3FB%FaHR0cDovL2NhdGFsb2cucGxzaW5mby5vcmcvc2VhcmNoL2kwMTk1MDM4NjMw%3F%3D&title=Menlo+Park+Public+Library&linktype=opac&detail=JRF%3AMenlo+Park+Public+Library%3APublic&app=wcapi&id=OCL-OCLC+Staff+use</text> |
</electronicAddress> |
<holdingSimple> |
<copiesSummary> |
<copiesCount>1</copiesCount> |
</copiesSummary> |
</holdingSimple> |
</holding> |
</holdingExternal> |
</location> |
Definition: information
about restrictions imposed on access to a resource.
Application: "accessCondition" is
roughly equivalent to MARC 21 fields 506 and 540. A link may be supplied in lieu of or in addition to the content. This element is extensible to allow for using an established XML schema outside of MODS for the information, e.g. the CDL Copyright schema. |
There are no subelements defined in MODS for <accessCondition>. However, this is an extensible element, so subelements from other XML schemas may be used.
under national security provisions; Department of Defense; Title 50,
chapter 401, U.S.C</accessCondition>
<accessCondition type="restriction
on access">Restricted: cannot be viewed until 2010; Members of donor's family</accessCondition>
<accessCondition type="use
and reproduction">Literary rights of Carrie Chapman Catt have been dedicated to the public</accessCondition>
<accessCondition type="use
and reproduction" xlink:href="http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/res/273_brum.html">Rights status not evaluated. For general information see "Copyright and Other Restrictions". </accessCondition>
<accessCondition type="use
and reproduction" displayLabel="Restricted">Copying allowed only for non- profit organizations</accessCondition>
<accessCondition> |
<copyright copyright.status="copyrighted"
http://www.cdlib.org/inside/projects/rights/schema/copyrightMD.xsd"> |
<creation> |
<year.creation year.type="approximate">1969?</year.creation>
<country.creation iso.code="us">United States</country.creation> |
</creation> |
<creator> |
<creator.corporate>Rene Laursen Photography</creator.corporate> |
</creator> |
<rights.holder> |
<name>Rene Laursen Photography</name> |
<contact>702 North Grand, Santa Ana, CA 92701. 714-547-4604</contact> |
</rights.holder> |
<services> |
<contact>Berkeley Public Library</contact> |
<note>Consult institution: 2090 Kittredge St., Berkeley, CA 94704. Phone: (510) 981-6100,
TDD: (510) 981-6100), Web: http://www.berkeleypubliclibrary.org</note> |
</services> |
<general.note>Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that
allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. In addition,
the reproduction of some materials may be restricted by terms of gift of purchase
agreements, donor restrictions, privacy and publicity rights, licensing and trademarks.
Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially expoited without permission of the
copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.</general.note> |
</copyright> |
</accessCondition> |
Definition: the
designation of physical parts of a resource in a detailed form.
Application: "part" is
used to provide detailed coding for physical parts of a resource.
It may be used as a top level element to designate physical
parts or under relatedItem. It may be used under relatedItem
for generating citations about the location of a part within
a host/parent item. When used with relatedItem type="host", <part> is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 773, subfields $g (Relationship information) and $q (Enumeration and first page),
but allows for additional parsing of data. There is no MARC
21 equivalent to <part> at the <mods> level.
To indicate part names and numbers that
are subordinate to the title as distinct intellectual items,
use <title> with <partName> and/or <partNumber>. When there is a separate intellectual entity with its own identity that is
part of a larger work, use <relatedItem type="host"><part> to show the location of the part within that host item. |
- type - A designation of a document
segment type. Suggested values include volume, issue, chapter, section,
paragraph, track. Other values may be used as needed.
- order - an integer that designates the sequence of parts.
- ID - See the Attributes
used throughout the schema for description.
The following subelements are defined for <part>.
They are enumerated below.
"detail" contains numbering and type of designation
of the part in relation to the host/parent item in which a host item resides.
- type -
The type of part described. Suggested values include part,
volume, issue, chapter, section, paragraph, track. Other values
may be used as needed.
- level -
Describes the level of numbering in the host/parent item.
This is used to ensure that the numbering is retained in the
proper order. An example is: "v.2, no. 3".
<number> -
Contains the actual number within the part. |
<caption> -
Contains the caption describing the enumeration within a
part. This may be the same as type, but conveys what is
on the item being described. |
<title> -
Contains the title of the part. Only include if this is
different than the title in <titleInfo><title>. |
"extent" contains
the measured units making up the part, such as pages, minutes,
- unit -
Suggested values include page, minute, etc.
<start> -
Contains the beginning unit of the extent within a part
(e.g., first page). |
<end> -
Contains the ending unit of the extent within a part. |
<total> -
Contains the total number of units within a part, rather
than specific units. |
<list> -
Contains a textual listing of the units within a part (e.g., "pp. 5-9".) |
"date" contains
date information relevant to the part described.
"text" contains unparsed information in textual form
about the part. When used in relatedItem type="host", it is equivalent to MARC 21 field 773 subfield $g. |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Dana</title> |
Irish magazine of independent thought</subTitle> |
1, no. 4</partNumber> |
</titleInfo> |
<part> |
<detail> |
(Poem)</title> |
</detail> |
unit="pages"> |
<start>97</start> |
<end>98</end> |
</extent> |
</part> |
<titleInfo> |
observer</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<part> |
type="page number"> |
<number>3</number> |
</detail> |
unit="pages"> |
<start>3</start> |
</extent> |
</part> |
<titleInfo> |
Sunnuntai-lehti. no. 78 20.02.2006</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<genre>newspaper</genre> |
type="constituent" ID="MODSMD_ARTICLE1> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Nuppineula.</title> |
<genre>article</:genre> |
ID="DIVL15" type="paragraph" order="1"/> |
ID="DIVL17" type="paragraph" order="2"/> |
ID="DIVL19" type="paragraph" order="3"/> |
</relatedItem> |
type="constituent" ID="MODSMD_ARTICLE2> |
<titleInfo> |
meidn rukouksen waikutuS. Kuolema Puusepp,</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<genre>article</genre> |
ID="DIVL74" type="paragraph" order="1" /> |
ID="DIVL76" type="paragraph" order="2" /> |
</relatedItem> |
type="host"> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Post-Fordism</title> |
Reader</subTitle> |
</titleInfo> |
type="personal"> |
type="given">Ash</namePart> |
type="family">Amin</namePart> |
<role> |
type="text">editor</roleTerm> |
</role> |
</name> |
<originInfo> |
<dateIssued>1994</dateIssued> |
Publishers</publisher> |
<place> |
type="text">Oxford</placeTerm> |
</place> |
</originInfo> |
<part> |
unit="page"> |
<start>23</start> |
<end>45</end> |
</extent> |
</part> |
</relatedItem> |
"extension" is
used to provide for additional information not covered by MODS.
It may be used for elements that are local to the creator of the
data, similar to MARC 21 9XX fields. In addition, it may be used
to extend MODS for various purposes when another XML schema may
handle the type of information. |
There are no attributes defined for <extension>.
There are no subelements defined for <extension>.
xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" > |
<dcterms:modified>2003-03-24</dcterms:modified> |
</extension> |
extension element to include a Dublin Core element for date resource
was modified.] |
the XML definition may be at the top of the document.] |
xmlns:etd="http://www.ntltd.org/standards/metadata/etdms/1.0/etdms.xsd" > |
<etd:degree> |
<etd:name>Doctor of Philosophy</etd:name> |
<etd:level>Doctoral</etd:level> |
<etd:discipline>Educational Administration</etd:discipline> |
</etd:degree> |
</extension> |
extension element to include degree information, which is not in MODS.] |
the XML definition may be at the top of the document.] |
Definition: information
about the metadata record.
Application: "recordInfo" is
a wrapper element that contains subelements relating to information
necessary for managing metadata. Data is only input within each
subelement. |
The following subelements are defined for <recordInfo>.
They are enumerated below.
Definition: the
code or name of the organization that either created or modified
the original record.
"recordContentSource" is
roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 040, except that MODS does not mandate the use of a code from the MARC Code List for Organizations. It should be repeated for each code or name recorded.
Definition: the
date on which the record was first created.
"recordCreationDate" is
roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 008/00-05.
"recordChangeDate" may serve as a version
identifier for the record. It is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 005.
"recordIdentifier" contains the system
control number assigned by the organization creating, using, or distributing
the record. It is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 001. There should be only one <recordIdentifier> in a record.
"recordOrigin" is intended to show the origin,
or provenance of the MODS record. This might include what methods were used to
prepare it (machine generated or human prepared), or what transformations had
been applied (i.e., the result of converting an existing MARC 21 record to MARCXML
and to MODS). It can be free text or an institution may establish locally-controlled
values for machine processing and consistency. There is no MARC equivalent to <recordOrigin>. |
"languageOfCataloging" applies to
the language of cataloging in a record. It is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 040 subfield $b, except that authorities other than ISO 639-2b may also be used.
Language may also be recorded at each top element level to indicate the language
of the metadata in a particular element. |
<languageTerm> |
"languageTerm" contains
the language(s) of the content of the resource. It may be expressed
in textual or coded form. If in coded form, the source of the
code is contained in the value of the authority attribute. If
no authority is given, it is assumed that the content is textual.
(Alternatively, instead of using a textual form, the content may
be in coded form with an authority attribute, and an XSLT stylesheet
may be used to translate the code into a textual form.) If there
is more than one representation of the same language, <languageTerm> is repeated. If the content of the resource is in more than one language, <language> is repeated. |
- type -
This attribute may be used with the following values:
- text -
This value is used to express language in a textual form.
- code-
This value is used to express language in a coded form.
- authority - This
attribute may contain the following values:
- iso639-2b -
A bibliographic language code from ISO 639-2 (Codes for
the representation of names of languages: alpha-3 code).
The bibliographic language codes are identical to both
NISO Z39.53 and the MARC Code List for Languages.
- rfc3066 -
A language identifier as specified by the Internet Best
Current Practice specification RFC3066. This value includes an ISO 639-1 (alpha-2) or ISO 639-2 (alpha-3) language
code with optional secondary subtags.
- iso639-3 - A language code from ISO 639-3 (Codes for the representation of names of languages - Part 3: Alpha-3 code for comprehensive coverage of languages).
- rfc4646 - A language identifier as specified by the Internet Best
Current Practice specification RFC4646. This document gives guidance on the use of ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2, and ISO 639-3 language
identifiers with optional secondary subtags and extensions.
"descriptionStandard" designates the rules used for the content of the description if applicable. This is roughly equivalent to the information found in MARC 21 field 040$e or Leader/18.
<recordInfo> |
encoding="marc">030211</recordCreationDate> |
</recordInfo> |
<recordInfo> |
8, 2002</recordCreationDate> |
generated</recordOrigin> |
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authority="marcorg">CStmoGRI</recordContentSource> |
<descriptionStandard authority="marcdescription">cco</descriptionStandard> |
</recordInfo> |
[Record was created by Getty Research Institute using rules specified in Cataloging Cultural Objects] |
<recordInfo> |
of Congress</recordContentSource> |
</recordInfo> |
<recordInfo> |
source="dlc">85753651</recordIdentifier> |
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</languageOfCataloging> |
</recordInfo> |
[The cataloging of the resource is in both
English and French.] |
<recordInfo> |
encoding="iso8601">20020311</recordChangeDate> |
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<recordInfo> |
encoding="iso8601">20000406144503.0 </recordChangeDate> |
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encoding="w3cdtf">2001-07-12</recordCreationDate> |
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<recordContentSource authority="marcorg">DLC</recordContentSource> |
24, 2001</recordChangeDate> |
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<recordContentSource>Université René Descartes
Bibliothèque </recordContentSource> |
prepared</recordOrigin> |
authority="iso639-2b">fre</languageOfCataloging> |
</recordInfo> |