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Disclaimer on Veterans History Project Collection Materials

The Library of Congress does not verify the accuracy of the accounts described herein by participants in the Veterans History Project. Individual stories are voluntarily submitted to the Veterans History Project and are placed in the Library's permanent collections as received. These histories are the personal recollections and perspectives of participating individuals and are not intended as a substitute for an official record of the federal government or of military service.

The Veterans History Project minimum requirements for collection submissions have evolved over time. To meet the Congressional mandate and the standards of a research collection, VHP requires that current collection submissions be at least 30 minutes in length and adhere to current Media and Format Standards [PDF: 69KB]

Some collections held by the Veterans History Project that are under 30 minutes in length, and/or do not meet current Media and Format Standards [PDF: 69KB] may be deemed "at risk." They are digitized to ensure stability and preservation.  VHP will continue to provide access to previously donated collections that do not meet current standards.

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  The Library of Congress >> American Folklife Center
  February 5, 2014
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