2XX - Titles, Addresses-General Information
MARC 21 Community Information
January 2000
"Full" documentation refers to the MARC 21 Format for Community Information that contains detailed descriptions of every data element, along with examples, input conventions and history sections.
"Concise" documentation refers to the MARC 21 Concise Format for Community Information that contains abridged descriptions of every data element, along with examples.
Title and address information for community events, programs, etc.
Fields 245-247 contain title information for an event or program. Field 270 contains address
information associated with the community information entity.
Field 271 - Additional Addresses
Provisionally defined in 1992 and deleted in favor of field 270 when the format was finalized
(provisional status removed) in 1993. Both indicator positions were undefined. The subfield
codes were: $a Address; $b City; $c State or province;
$d Country; $e Postal code; $f Title preceding attention name;
$g Attention name; $h Title following attention name; $i Type
of address; $j Specialized telephone number; $k Telephone number;
$l Fax number; $m Electronic mail address; $nTDD or TTY
number; $p Contact person; $q Title of contact person; $6
Field 275 - Address Associated with Title
Provisionally defined in 1992 and deleted in favor of field 270 when the format was finalized
(provisional status removed) in 1993. Both indicator positions were undefined. The subfield
codes were: $a Address; $b City; $c State or province;
$d Country; $e Postal code; $f Title preceding attention name;
$g Attention name; $h Title following attention name; $i Type
of address; $j Specialized telephone number; $k Telephone number;
$l Fax number; $m Electronic mail address; $nTDD or TTY
number; $p Contact person; $q Title of contact person; $6