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DATE: June 18, 2009
NAME: New data elements in the MARC 21 Authority and Bibliographic Format for works and expressions
SOURCE: RDA/MARC Working Group
SUMMARY: This paper suggests new data elements in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats in order to support RDA detail with respect to works and expressions.
KEYWORDS: Field 046 (AD,BD); Special Coded Dates (AD,BD); Form of work (AD,BD); Date of work (AD,BD); Date of expression (AD,BD); Other distinguishing characteristic (AD, BD); Medium of performance (AD, BD); Numeric designation of a musical work (AD, BD); Key (AD, BD); RDA; Resource Description and Access
RELATED: 2008-DP04; 2008-05/1; 2008-DP05/2; 2009-01/1; MARC 21 Format 2009 Changes to Accommodate RDA (Draft)
STATUS/COMMENTS: 6/23/09 -- Made available to the MARC 21 community for discussion.
07/12/2009 - Results of the MARC Advisory Committee discussion - The committee came to several agreements during the discussion of this paper:
1) Tagging issues. In order to keep together the new attributes for authority records by proximate tag numbering, the new fields defined in the Authority Format in the 62X range should be changed to the 37X range and the new fields proposed in this discussion paper should be defined in the 38X range (Option 3.3 in the discussion paper, with tag numbers slightly changed)
2) Section 2.3. The "Form of work" element should be included as a new field in the 3XX block and should be brought forward as a proposal at ALA Midwinter 2010.
3) Section 2.4. Subfields $k and $l should be defined for the beginning and ending dates for "Date of work/Date of expression" and moved forward as a proposal for ALA Midwinter 2010.
4) Section 2.5. A field for the "Other distinguishing characteristic of the work/Other distinguishing characteristic of the expression" element should be moved forward as a proposal for ALA Midwinter 2010.
5) Section 2.6, 2.7, 2.8. Fields for "Medium of performance", "Numeric designation of musical work", and "Key" should also be proposed at ALA Midwinter 2010. The committee felt strongly that recommendations from the music library community should be solicited and taken into consideration when drafting a proposal, particularly in the case of the field for Key and the questions about transposed keys.
Section 2 of RDA covers recording attributes of works and expressions. It reflects those attributes and relationships as defined by the Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD) in support of four user tasks: find, identify, contextualize, and justify. RDA specifies that certain attributes for work and expression can be recorded either as part of the access point representing the entity, or as separate identifying elements, or both.
Proposal 2008-05/1 (Encoding RDA: Introduction and Principles) discussed the guidelines used by The RDA/MARC Working Group in suggesting changes to MARC for RDA. For making decisions in the area of parsing of data, it considered the additional cataloging costs along with consideration of the end user experience.
Some of these attributes were not as explicitly identified under previous cataloging rules, thus they are not always given individual treatment in the MARC 21 Authority Format beyond a special subfield in the heading fields. An attribute may currently be in an authorized heading subfield such as the 100 subfield $m for “Medium of performance for music” or it may have been recorded in an unstructured note field if it was recorded at all. Alignment with FRAD has also introduced a number of new elements that would not have been included in authority headings formulated according to the AACR rules.
Discussion Paper 2008-DP04 (Encoding RDA, Resource Description and Access data in MARC 21) considered whether there was a need for specific content designation for additional elements specified in RDA or whether the information could be conveyed in unstructured notes. The MARC Advisory Committee agreed that it was worth considering the addition of new data elements to the authority format, which would give the user the flexibility to use the granularity of RDA if desired.
Proposal No. 2009-01/1 (New data elements in the MARC 21 Authority Format) proposed new data elements to support RDA in relation to attributes for persons, families, and corporate bodies. The proposal noted that more study was needed concerning attributes for works and expressions. The MARC changes that resulted from that and other RDA proposals considered in January 2009 are posted in draft form as MARC 21 Format 2009 Changes to Accommodate RDA (Draft). They may be useful for reference in considering this proposal.
RDA identifies a number of attributes of the entities described in bibliographic or authority records. These attributes are recorded because they are part of the identity of the entity described, such as the “form” of the work. Some of these are also recommended for use as additions in the access points when needed to help identification and/or disambiguation. For example, numeric designation of a musical work is used by RDA when needed to differentiate a musical work from another work with the same title.
This paper suggests defining new data elements for several attributes of works and expressions as defined in RDA some of which may also be needed in the access point for the entity. In the case where RDA instructs cataloguers to include a data element in the access point in order to identify and/or disambiguate, institutions implementing RDA in MARC 21 will have to decide whether to include the data element in the access point only or whether also to record the information in one of the newly-created fields. If the attribute is not needed in the access point by one institution it may be needed by another, so inclusion of the data in the new fields in this proposal will create a richer and more flexible record.
Current FRBR implementations differ in their placement of “work records” using MARC 21, so these additional work and expression attributes need to be defined in both the Authority and Bibliographic formats.
Elements are not defined specifically for work and/or expression level, since the record itself will only apply to one or the other.
RDA identifies the following attributes related to works and expressions. Specific subfields used for these elements when part of an authorized access point are indicated in parentheses. Other fields in which they may currently be accommodated are indicated in italics.
“Form of work” element is a core element in RDA when needed to differentiate a work from another work with the same title. The element contains a value similar to what might be recorded in field 655 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format. However, RDA’s “form of work” element is a “high” level genre/form without a controlled list. It was also a possible addition to headings under AACR2 where it was also not controlled.
Field 655 could be added to the Authority format, but subfield $2 (Source of term) would have to contain something like “local”, since it is an uncontrolled term. Alternatively, field 653 (Index Term—Uncontrolled) could be used with second indicator value 6 (Genre/form term). A problem with both of these options is that there could be other 653 or 655 fields, since they are repeatable, and RDA specifies that a work can have only one form. The RDA form would need to be specifically identified so that only one RDA form could be included in a record. In addition, the functions of the data elements are different: the RDA attribute is used to differentiate the heading, while the 655/653 is intended to provide access through genre or form. See also discussion below under Tag issues.
Define Field AAA in the Authority and Bibliographic formats as follows:
100 1# $aWilder, Thornton, $d1897-1975. $tOur town. AAA ## $a Play 130 #0 $aCinderella (Choreographic work) AAA ## $aChoreographic work
100 1# $aWilder, Thornton, $d1897-1975. 240 10 $tOur town AAA ## $a Play 130 0# $aCinderella (Choreographic work) AAA ## $aChoreographic work 130 #0 $aWar of the worlds (Television program) AAA ## $aTelevision program
Proposal 2009-01/1 defined field 046 (Special coded dates) as follows, using different subfields from those available in the bibliographic format field 046.
That proposal did not consider dates associated with work and expressions.
To accommodate these additional elements, additional subfields from the Bibliographic format need to be defined in the Authority format 046. (Proposal 2009-01/1 defined field 046 only with new subfields relevant to persons, corporate bodies and families.) Field 046 in the Bibliographic format already has subfield $k (Beginning or single date created) and $l (Ending date created) which can be used for this information.
046 ## $k1964 100 1# $aCastelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario,$d1895-1968.$tConcerto da camera. $pAria;$oarranged 670 ## $aGrove music online WWW site, viewed Aug. 30, 2007$b(With ob solo:Conc. da camera, op.146, 3 hn and timp ad lib, str, 1950; arr. ob, pf, 1950; transcr. ob, vc, pf/gui, 1964)
046 ## $k1930$l1932 100 1# $aSchoenberg, Arnold,$d1874-1951. 240 10 $aMoses und Aron
RDA specifies the recording of additional characteristics that may be used to differentiate a work from another work with the same title and the same form, date, and/or place of origin. There is not a special field in the MARC Authority or Bibliographic formats for this type of information (although it could be given in a general note such as Authority field 667 or Bibliographic field 500). A special field could therefore be established. If this attribute is to be added to an authorized form of a heading for a work or expression it is a parenthetical at the end of subfield $a. Subfields $u and $v are suggested to record the source of the data in the field (in the form of URI or text, respectively), as they were defined in some of the other new fields in the Authority format from Proposal No. 2009-01/1.
Define in the Authority and Bibliographic formats as follows:
130 #0 $aResearch paper (South African Law Commission) BBB ## $aSouth African Law Commission 130 #0 $aHarlow (Motion picture : 1965 : Douglas) BBB ## $aDouglas AAA ## $aMotion picture 046 ## $k1965
130 0# $aResearch paper (South African Law Commission) BBB ## $aSouth African Law Commission 130 0# $aHarlow (Motion picture : 1965 : Douglas)
BBB ## $aDouglas
AAA ## $aMotion picture 046 ## $k1965
130 #0 $a1 + 1 = 3 (Choreographic work : D'Amboise) BBB ## $aD’Amboise AAA ## $aChoreographic work
130 0# $a1 + 1 = 3 (Choreographic work : D'Amboise) BBB ## $aD’Amboise AAA ## $aChoreographic work
RDA identifies an attribute “medium of performance”, which is to be used when needed to differentiate a musical work from another work with the same title. While this element may be recorded in subfield $m in a 1XX field in the Authority format, in subfield $m in field 130 or 240 in the Bibliographic format, and in coded form in 048 in the Bibliographic format, there is not a special field for it in either format.
Define in the Authority and Bibliographic formats as follows:
100 1# $aMahler, Gustav,$d1860-1911.$tSymphonies,$nno. 2,$rC minor CCC ## $asoprano$aalto$amixed voices$aorchestra EEE ## $aC minor DDD ## $ano. 2 100 1# $aFaith, Richard,$d1926-$tMiniatures CCC ## $aoboe$apiano CCC ## $aclarinet$apiano 100 1# $aBeethoven, Ludwig van, $d1770-1827. $tSonatas, $mpiano, $nno. 14, op. 27, no. 2, $rC# minor CCC ## $apiano DDD ## $ano. 14, $bop. 27, no. 2 EEE ## $aC# minor
100 1# $aStravinsky, Igor,$d1882-1971. 240 10 $aSymphonie de Psaumes CCC ## $amixed voices$aorchestra 100 1# $aBeethoven, Ludwig van, $d1770-1827 240 10 $aSonatas, $mpiano, $nno. 14, op. 27, no. 2, $rC# minor CCC ## $apiano DDD ## $ano. 14, $bop. 27, no. 2 EEE ## $aC# minor
RDA identifies an attribute for numeric designation of a musical work, which is to be used when needed to differentiate a musical work from another work with the same title. While this attribute may be recorded in subfield $n in a 1XX field in the Authority format or in subfield $n in field 130 or 240 in the Bibliographic format, there is not a special field for it in either format.
Because RDA describes this attribute in three distinct categories, three separate subfields are suggested.
Define in the Authority and Bibliographic formats as follows:
Note that for subfield $b (Opus number), a number within the opus would also be recorded in the same subfield.
100 1# $aHovhaness, Alan,$d1911-2000.$tIsland of Mysterious Bells DDD ## $bop. 244 100 1# $aVivaldi, Antonio,$d1678-1741.$tCimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione.$nN. 1-4 DDD ## $bop. 8, no. 1-4 DDD ## $cRV 269$cRV 315$cRV 293$cRV 297 DDD ## $cF. I, 22-25
100 1# $aBeethoven, Ludwig van,$d1770-1827. 240 10 $aSonatas,$mpiano,$nno. 14, op. 27, no. 2,$rC# minor CCC ## $apiano DDD ## $ano. 14, $bop. 27, no. 2 EEE ## $aC# minor 100 1# $aBach, Johann Sebastian,$d1685-1750. 240 10 $aKaffee-Kantate DDD ## $cBWV 211
RDA identifies as an attribute of a musical work its key, which is used when needed to differentiate a musical work from another work with the same title. While this element may be recorded in subfield $r in a 1XX field in the Authority format or in subfield $r in field 130 or 240 in the Bibliographic format, there is not a special field for it in either format.
When creating records for expressions, it could be of interest to record whether the key is the original or a transposition. This could be achieved through the use of indicator values for “original key”, “transposed key”, and “key – relationship to original unknown.” Alternatively, a subfield for “transposed key” could be defined, to be used when this information can be ascertained. (See below under Questions for discussion.)
Define in the Authority and Bibliographic formats as follows:
100 1# $aSchubert, Franz,$d1797-1828.$tSchwanengesang (Song cycle). $pStändchen EEE ## $aD minor AAA ## $aSong cycle 100 1# $aBeethoven, Ludwig van, $d1770-1827. $tSonatas, $mpiano, $nno. 14, op. 27, no. 2, $rC# minor CCC ## $apiano DDD ## $ano. 14, $bop. 27, no. 2 EEE ## $aC# minor
100 1# $aChopin, Frédéric,$d1810-1849. 240 10 $aRondo à la mazur EEE ## $aF major 100 1# $aBeethoven, Ludwig van,$d1770-1827. 240 10 $aSonatas,$mpiano,$nno. 14, op. 27, no. 2,$rC# minor CCC ## $apiano DDD ## $ano. 14, $bop. 27, no. 2 EEE ## $aC# minor
This paper does not include selection of tags for any new fields (when the data cannot be used in existing fields) because there are several alternatives to consider. MARC 21 attempts to use the same tag in multiple formats if available. However, in this case, using the same tag may result in including a new field in a block of fields to which it does not belong in terms of how the field block is defined. The alternatives are as follows:
The 63X block of fields could be selected because it comes right after the 62X range, which was used for new authority fields in RDA with Proposal No. 2009-01/1. In the Bibliographic format all tags in the 63X range are available except for 630, but they fall within the range defined as Subject Added Entry.
The 63X could be used for the Authority format for the same reasons as stated above. The fields could be defined in the Bibliographic format in the 3XX range, using the same last 2 digits.
This would have the advantage of keeping together the new attributes for authority records, both those defined in Proposal 2009-01/1 and new ones presented here. The fields approved in January 2009 have not yet been published in an update to the MARC 21 documentation. The only field defined in 3XX in Authorities is 360 (Complex See Reference—Subject).
Specific fields are not included, since issues indicated in section 3 of this paper need to be resolved.
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