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DATE: December 14, 2009
NAME: New data elements in the MARC 21 Authority and Bibliographic Format for works and expressions
SOURCE: RDA/MARC Working Group
SUMMARY: This paper proposes new data elements in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats in order to support RDA detail with respect to works and expressions.
KEYWORDS: Field 046 (AD); Special Coded Dates (AD,BD); Form of Work (AD,BD); Date of Work (AD,BD); Date of Expression (AD,BD); Other Distinguishing Characteristics of Work or Expression (AD, BD); Medium of Performance (AD, BD); Numeric Designation of a Musical Work (AD, BD); Key (AD, BD); RDA; Resource Description and Access
RELATED: 2009-DP06/3; 2008-DP04; 2008-05/1; 2008-DP05/2; 2009-01/1
12/14/2009 - Made available to the MARC 21 community for discussion.
1/17/10 - Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion:
02/26/10 - Results of LC/LAC/BL review - Agreed with the MARBI decisions.
Section 2 of RDA covers recording attributes of works and expressions. It reflects those attributes and relationships as defined by the Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD) in support of four user tasks: find, identify, contextualize, and justify. RDA specifies that certain attributes for work and expression can be recorded either as part of the access point representing the entity, or as separate identifying elements, or both.
Discussion Paper 2008-DP04 (Encoding RDA, Resource Description and Access data in MARC 21) considered whether there was a need for specific content designation for additional elements specified in RDA or whether the information could be conveyed in unstructured notes. The MARC Advisory Committee agreed that it was worth considering the addition of new data elements to the authority format, which would give the user the flexibility to use the granularity of RDA if desired.
Proposal No. 2009-01/1 (New data elements in the MARC 21 Authority Format) proposed new data elements to support RDA in relation to attributes for persons, families, and corporate bodies. The proposal noted that more study was needed concerning attributes for works and expressions. The fields that were approved for the Authority Format at Midwinter 2009 are now available with Update No. 10 to the MARC 21 Authority Format and documented on the MARC website.
Discussion Paper No. 2009-DP06/3 (New data elements in the MARC21 Authority and Bibliographic Format for works and expressions) suggested new data elements to accommodate RDA attributes related to works and expressions. Some of these attributes were not as explicitly identified under previous cataloging rules, thus they have not always been given individual treatment in the MARC 21 Authority Format beyond a special subfield in the heading fields. Alignment with FRAD has also introduced a number of new elements that would not have been included in authority headings formulated according to AACR2. The MARC Advisory Committee recommended moving this paper forward to the proposal stage for ALA Midwinter 2010.
RDA identifies a number of attributes of the entities described in bibliographic or authority records. These attributes are recorded because they are part of the identity of the entity described, such as the “form” of the work. Some of these are also recommended for use as additions in the access points when needed to help identification and/or disambiguation. For example, numeric designation of a musical work is used by RDA when needed to differentiate a musical work from another work with the same title.
This paper proposes defining new data elements for several attributes of works and expressions as defined in RDA, some of which may also be needed in the access point for the entity. In the case where RDA instructs cataloguers to include a data element in the access point in order to identify and/or disambiguate, institutions implementing RDA in MARC 21 will have to decide whether to include the data element in the access point only or whether also to record the information in one of the newly-created fields. If the attribute is not needed in the access point by one institution it may be needed by another, so inclusion of the data in the new fields in this proposal will create a richer and more flexible entity description. In the future there could be a need to break a conflict in a heading and if the data is already in the record in a specific data element, it could be done programmatically.
Data elements are not defined specifically for work and/or expression entities, because the description itself will only apply to one or the other.
Changes are proposed to both the Bibliographic and Authorities Formats, since different FRBR implementations may differ in their placement of “work records” within MARC21. The parameters of how the resource is described in the bibliographic format only apply to those institutions preferring to use the bibliographic file rather than the authority file for work or expression descriptions of that particular resource.
In the following proposed fields, subfield $2 (Source of term) may be used to indicate a controlled vocabulary, although controlled lists may not be established yet. The absence of subfield $2 indicates that we do not know whether a controlled vocabulary is used.
“Form of work” element is a core element in RDA when needed to differentiate a work from another work with the same title. RDA’s “form of work” element is a genre/form that does not currently have a controlled list in RDA. Only one RDA form is included in a record.
While this element may be recorded in field 130 in the Authority and Bibliographic formats, field 1XX in the Authority format, or field 240 in the Bibliographic format, there is not a special field for it in either format.
When included in the authorized form of the heading for a work or expression, this data is enclosed as a parenthetical qualifier in the appropriate subfield of the title.
Define Field 380 in both the Authority and Bibliographic formats as follows:
Authority format
100 1# $aWilder, Thornton,$d1897-1975.$tOur town.
380 ## $aPlay
130 #0 $aCinderella (Choreographic work)
380 ## $aChoreographic work
130 #0 $aWar of the worlds (Television program)
380 ## $aTelevision program
Bibliographic format
100 1# $aWilder, Thornton,$d1897-1975.
240 10 $tOur town
380 ## $aPlay
130 0# $aCinderella (Choreographic work)
380 ## $aChoreographic work
130 #0 $aWar of the worlds (Television program)
380 ## $aTelevision program
Bibliographic field 046 (Special Coded Dates) already contains subfields for the creation of works and expressions:
$k - Beginning or single date created (NR)
$l - Ending date created (NR)
These dates are recorded according to Representations of Dates and Times (ISO 8601) unless subfield $2 (Source of date) specifies another date scheme.
Authority field 046 was added to the format as a result of Proposal No. 2009-01/1 (New data elements in the MARC 21 Authority Format) as follows:
To accommodate these additional elements in the Authority format, add subfields $k and $l to the Authority Format field 046 as well, including the following explanations for works/expressions: For a work, subfield $k contains the earliest date (normally the year) associated with a work; that date may be the date the work was created or first published or released. For an expression, subfield $k contains the earliest date (normally the year) associated with an expression; that date may be the date of the earliest known manifestation of that expression. In both cases the date in subfield $k may be the starting date of a range or a single date.
These elements are core elements in RDA when needed to differentiate a work from another work or an expression from another expression.
The beginning date may be recorded in field 130 in the Authority and Bibliographic formats, field 1XX in the Authority format or field 240 in the Bibliographic format. If this attribute is added to an authorized form of a heading for a work or expression, it is added as a parenthetical qualifier in the appropriate subfield of the title, or, in some cases, in a special subfield.
Define subfield $k (Beginning or single date created) and $l (Ending date created) in the Authority format field 046
Authority format (expression)
046 ## $k1964
100 1# $aCastelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario,$d1895-1968.$tConcerto da camera.
670 ## $aGrove music online WWW site, viewed Aug. 30, 2007
$b(With ob solo:Conc. da camera, op.146, 3 hn and timp ad lib,
str, 1950; arr. ob, pf, 1950; transcr. ob, vc, pf/gui, 1964)
Bibliographic format (work)
046 ## $k1930$l1932
100 1# $aSchoenberg, Arnold,$d1874-1951.
240 10 $aMoses und Aron
Authority format (work)
046 ## $k1990
130 #0 $aBright ideas (1990)
Bibliographic format (work)
046 ## $k1990
130 0# $aBright ideas (1990)
RDA specifies the recording of (1) a characteristic other than form of work, date of work, or place of origin of the work that serves to differentiate a work from another work with the same name or from the name of a person, family, or corporate body, and (2) a characteristic other than content type, language of expression, or date of expression that serves to differentiate an expression from another expression of the same work.
While this element may be recorded in field 130 in the Authority and Bibliographic formats, field 1XX in the Authority format or field 240 in the Bibliographic format, there is not a special field for it in either format. If this attribute is added to an authorized form of a heading for a work or expression, it is added as a parenthetical qualifierin the appropriate subfield of the title, or, in some cases, in special subfields.
Subfield $u (Uniform Resource Identifier) and subfield $v (Source of information) are defined if it is necessary to record where the information was found in the form of a URI or citation. Note that these subfields were also defined in other new fields in the Authority format as part of Proposal No. 2009-01/1 (New data elements in the MARC 21 Authority Format).
Define in the Authority and Bibliographic formats as follows:
Authority format (work)
130 #0 $aResearch paper (South African Law Commission)
381 ## $aSouth African Law Commission
130 #0 $aHarlow (Motion picture : 1965 : Douglas)
381 ## $aDouglas
380 ## $aMotion picture
046 ## $k1965
Bibliographic format (work)
130 0# $aResearch paper (South African Law Commission)
381 ## $aSouth African Law Commission
130 0# $aHarlow (Motion picture : 1965 : Douglas)
381 ## $aDouglas
380 ## $aMotion picture
046 ## $k1965
Authority format (work)
130 #0 $aReport.$nS (Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics)
381 ## $aDanish Center for Applied Mathematics and
Bibliographic format (work)
130 0# $aReport.$nS (Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics)
381 ## $aDanish Center for Applied Mathematics and
Authority format (expression)
130 #0 $a1 + 1 = 3 (Choreographic work : D'Amboise)
381 ## $aD’Amboise
380 ## $aChoreographic work
Bibliographic format (expression)
130 0# $a1 + 1 = 3 (Choreographic work : D'Amboise)
381 ## $aD’Amboise
380 ## $aChoreographic work
Authority format (expression)
130 #0 $aBible.$lEnglish.$sAuthorized.$f2004
381 ## $aAuthorized
046 ## $k2004
Bibliographic format (expression)
130 0# $aBible.$lEnglish.$sAuthorized.$f2004
381 ## $aAuthorized
046 ## $k2004
Authority format (expression)
100 1# $aDebussy, Claude,$d1862-1918.$tChansons de
Bilitis (Songs).$pChevelure;$oarranged
380 ## $aSongs
381 ## $aArranged
Bibliographic format (expression)
100 1# $aDebussy, Claude,$d1862-1918.
240 10 $aChansons de Bilitis (Songs).$pChevelure;$oarranged
380 ## $aSongs
381 ## $aArranged
Authority format (expression)
100 1# $aGibbon, Edward,$d1737-1794.$tHistory of the
decline and fall of the Roman Empire.$kSelections
381 ## $aSelections
Bibliographic format (expression)
100 1# $aGibbon, Edward,$d1737-1794.
240 10 $aHistory of the decline and fall of the Roman
381 ## $aSelections
RDA identifies an attribute “medium of performance,” which is a core element (1) if applicable for a title that is not distinctive, and (2) if needed to differentiate a title that is distinctive. While this element may be recorded in field 1XX subfield $m, in 130 or 240 subfield $m in field 130 or 240 in the Bibliographic format, and in coded form in 048 in the Bibliographic format, there is not a specific field for this data in either format.
The field may be repeated if needed for different instrumental versions.
Define in the Authority and Bibliographic formats as follows:
Authority format
100 1# $aMahler, Gustav,$d1860-1911.$tSymphonies,$nno. 2,$rC minor
382 ## $asoprano$aalto$amixed voices$aorchestra
384 ## $aC minor
383 ## $ano. 2
100 1# $aFaith, Richard,$d1926-$tMiniatures
382 ## $aoboe$apiano
382 ## $aclarinet$apiano
[In this example there are different parts for performance purposes.]
100 1# $aBeethoven, Ludwig van,$d1770-1827.$tSonatas,$mpiano,
$nno. 14, op. 27, no. 2,$rC# minor
382 ## $apiano
383 ## $ano. 14,$bop. 27, no. 2
384 ## $aC# minor
Bibliographic format
100 1# $aStravinsky, Igor,$d1882-1971.
240 10 $aSymphonie de Psaumes
382 ## $amixed voices$aorchestra
100 1# $aBeethoven, Ludwig van,$d1770-1827
240 10 $aSonatas,$mpiano,$nno. 14, op. 27, no. 2,$rC# minor
382 ## $apiano
383 ## $ano. 14,$bop. 27, no. 2
384 ## $aC# minor
RDA identifies an attribute “numeric designation of a musical work” which is a core element (1) if applicable for a title that is not distinctive, and (2) if needed to differentiate a title that is distinctive. While this element may be recorded in 1XX, subfield $n in the Authority format or in subfield $n in field 130 or 240 in the Bibliographic format, there is not a special field for it in either format.
Because RDA describes this attribute in three distinct categories, three separate subfields are proposed. The field may be repeated for multiple identifying numbers associated with the work.
Define in the Authority and Bibliographic formats as follows:
Note that for subfield $b (Opus number), a number within the opus would also be recorded in the same subfield.
Authority format
100 1# $aHovhaness, Alan,$d1911-2000.$tIsland of Mysterious Bells
383 ## $bop. 244
100 1# $aVivaldi, Antonio,$d1678-1741.$tCimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione.
$nN. 1-4
383 ## $bop. 8, no. 1-4
383 ## $cRV 269$cRV 315$cRV 293$cRV 297
383 ## $cF. I, 22-25
[In this example there are many identifying numbers associated with the work.]
Bibliographic format
100 1# $aBeethoven, Ludwig van,$d1770-1827.
240 10 $aSonatas,$mpiano,$nno. 14, op. 27, no. 2,$rC# minor
382 ## $apiano
383 ## $ano. 14,$bop. 27, no. 2
384 ## $aC# minor
100 1# $aBach, Johann Sebastian,$d1685-1750.
240 10 $aKaffee-Kantate
383 ## $cBWV 211
RDA identifies an attribute “key” which is a core element (1) if applicable for a title that is not distinctive, and (2) if needed to differentiate a title that is distinctive. While this element may be recorded in 1XX subfield $r in a 1XX field in the Authority format or in 130 or 240 subfield $r in the Bibliographic format, there is not a specific field for this data in either format.
Some members of the music community have expressed support for the ability to identify transpositions by coding this information with indicator values, and introducing further granularity between the key name (such as C) and the mode (such as minor), e.g. $aC$bminor.
Define in the Authority and Bibliographic formats as follows:
Option 1.
Option 2. Alternatively, define separate subfields for key name and mode:
Authority format
100 1# $aMahler, Gustav,$d1860-1911.$tLieder nach Rückert.
$pIch atmet' einen linden Duft
384 # $aD major
384 0# $aD$bmajor
100 1# Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus,$d1756-1791.$tConcertos,$moboe,orchestra,
$nK. 314,$rC major;$oarranged
382 ## $aflute$aorchestra
383 ## $ano. 2
383 ## $cK. 285d$cK. 314
384 ## $aD major
384 1# $aD$bmajor
100 1# $aBeethoven, Ludwig van,$d1770-1827.$tSonatas,$mpiano,
$nno. 14, op. 27, no. 2,$rC# minor
382 ## $apiano
383 ## $ano. 14,$bop. 27, no. 2
384 ## $aC# minor
Bibliographic format
100 1# $aChopin, Frédéric,$d1810-1849.
240 10 $aRondo à la mazur
384 ## $aF major
100 1# $aGodowsky, Leopold,$d1870-1938.
240 10 $aEtude macabre
382 ## $apiano
384 ## $aD minor
Add fields as indicated above for the following in the Authority and Bibliographic formats:
In Field 046 in the Authority Format, define:
$k - Beginning or single date created (NR)
$l - Ending date created (NR)
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