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Top-level Element: <part>
GUIDELINES | EXAMPLES | MAPPINGS GUIDELINES FOR USE<part> is a container element used to provide detailed coding for physical parts of a resource. It may be used as a top level element to designate physical parts or under <relatedItem> for specifying the location of a part within a host/parent item. Use <part> when the MODS record in question refers to either a physical or structural part of a resource, rather than an intellectual part. To indicate part names and numbers that are subordinate to the title as distinct intellectual items, use <title> with <partName> and/or <partNumber>. A newspaper issue is generally indicated in MODS with <part>, rather than indicating the issue number as part of the title. The <part> element at the top level is also used to describe one reel of microfilm in a set, or in any other case in which the part being described is not an intellectual whole by itself. When in doubt and only part numbers or names are needed, use <titleInfo><title><partNumber> and/or <titleInfo><title><partName>. When there is a separate intellectual entity with its own identity that is part of a larger work, use <relatedItem type="host"><part> to show the location of the part within that host item. Specific DLF/Aquifer GuidelinesThe DLF/Aquifer Implementation Guidelines for Shareable MODS Records recommend that the <part> element be used in cases where the part of a resource being represented is a physical or structural part of another resource. Examples include an issue of a journal or a single story from a collection. Since there is not a controlled set of terms for the type attribute, if used the value should be expressed clearly and be generally understandable outside of the local context of the resource. See the <part> entry in the DLF/Aquifer Summary of MODS Requirements and Recommendations Table for further information on requirements of this element, its attributes, and subelements. Aggregator information: Aggregators may index <part> with other title information for search purposes; and may also include it in a full display. The DLF/NSDL Best Practices for Shareable Metadata Element DescriptionAttributestype Definition
A designation of a document segment type.
Suggested values include volume, issue, chapter, section, paragraph, and track. Other values may be used as needed.
order Definition
An integer that designates the sequence of parts.
Each numerical assignment corresponds to the part designated by the type attribute.
altRepGroup; ID; lang; xml:lang; script; transliteration; displayLabel See the Attributes used throughout the schema for descriptions of each.
SubelementsThe following subelements are described below: Subelement: <detail>
Guidelines for UseUse this subelement to indicate the numbering and type of designation of the part in relation to the parent item. Specific DLF/Aquifer GuidelinesSince there is not a controlled set of terms for the type attribute, if used the value should be expressed clearly and be generally understandable outside of the local context of the resource. Element DescriptionAttributestype Definition
Indicates the type of detail described.
Suggested values include part, volume, issue, chapter, section, paragraph, and track. Other values may be used as needed.
level Definition
Describes the level of numbering in the host/parent item.
Use to describe the level of numbering in the parent item to ensure that the numbering is retained in the proper order. An example is: "v.2, no. 3".
lang; xml:lang; script; transliteration See the Attributes used throughout the schema for descriptions of each.
SubelementsThe following subelements are described below: Subelement of <detail>: <number>
Guidelines for UseNumbering can be sequencing in any form, e.g., Part 1, Supplement A, Book two. Element DescriptionAttributeslang; xml:lang; script; transliteration See the Attributes used throughout the schema for descriptions of each.
SubelementsThere are no subelements for <number>. Subelement of <detail>: <caption>
Guidelines for UseThis may be the same as the type attribute for <detail>, but it conveys what is on the item being described. Element DescriptionAttributeslang; xml:lang; script; transliteration See the Attributes used throughout the schema for descriptions of each.
SubelementsThere are no subelements for <caption>. Subelement of <detail>: <title>
Guidelines for UseOnly include if this is different than the title in <titleInfo><title>. Element DescriptionAttributesThere are no attributes for <title>. SubelementsThere are no subelements for <title>. Subelement: <extent>
Guidelines for UseExamples include pages, minutes, etc. Specific DLF/Aquifer GuidelinesSince there is not a controlled set of terms for the unit attribute, the value should be expressed clearly and be generally understandable outside of the local context of the resource. Element DescriptionAttributesunit Definition
Indicates the type of unit associated with the value.
There is no controlled set of values for unit.
SubelementsThe following subelements are described below: Subelement of <extent>: <start>
Guidelines for UseFor example, the first page number in the range. Element DescriptionAttributeslang; xml:lang; script; transliteration See the Attributes used throughout the schema for descriptions of each.
SubelementsThere are no subelements for <start>. Subelement of <extent>: <end>
Guidelines for UseFor example, the last page number in the range. Element DescriptionAttributeslang; xml:lang; script; transliteration See the Attributes used throughout the schema for descriptions of each.
SubelementsThere are no subelements for <end>. Subelement of <extent>: <total>
Guidelines for UseFor example, use "5" to indicate a total of five pages. Element DescriptionAttributesThere are no attributes for <total>. SubelementsThere are no subelements for <total>. Subelement of <extent>: <list>
Guidelines for UseFor example: "pp. 5-9". Element DescriptionAttributeslang; xml:lang; script; transliteration See the Attributes used throughout the schema for descriptions of each.
SubelementsThere are no subelements for <list>. Subelement: <date>
Guidelines for UseIf a structured date is used, indicate the formatting source using the encoding attribute. If no point attribute is specified, date is assumed to be a single date. Specific DLF/Aquifer GuidelinesThe DLF/Aquifer guidelines recommend using the following value for the encoding attribute:
Element DescriptionAttributesencoding; point; qualifier; lang; xml:lang; script; transliteration See the Attributes used throughout the schema for descriptions of each.
SubelementsThere are no subelements for <date>. Subelement: <text>
Guidelines for UseUse this subelement to record information in textual form when other subelements will not capture the appropriate information. Element DescriptionAttributestype Definition
Identifies the type of part.
There is no controlled list of part types.
xlink; lang; xml:lang; script; transliteration; displayLabel See the Attributes used throughout the schema for descriptions of each.
SubelementsThere are no subelements for <text>. EXAMPLES<titleInfo>
<title>Washington observer</title>
<part> <detail type="volume">
<subTitle>an Irish magazine of independent thought</subTitle> <partNumber>Vol. 1, no. 4</partNumber> </titleInfo>
<part> <detail>
<title>Wayfarers (Poem)</title>
<extent unit="pages"> <start>97</start>
<end>98</end> </extent>
<title>Washington observer</title>
<part> <detail type="page number">
<extent unit="pages"> <start>3</start>
<title>Hlisen Sunnuntai-lehti. no. 78 20.02.2006</title>
<genre>newspaper</genre> <relatedItem type="constituent" ID="MODSMD_ARTICLE1> <titleInfo>
<genre>article</genre> <part ID="DIVL15" type="paragraph" order="1"/> <part ID="DIVL17" type="paragraph" order="2"/> <part ID="DIVL19" type="paragraph" order="3"/> </relatedItem>
<relatedItem type="constituent" ID="MODSMD_ARTICLE2> <titleInfo>
<title>Is meidn rukouksen waikutuS. Kuolema Puusepp,</title>
<genre>article</genre> <part ID="DIVL74" type="paragraph" order="1" /> <part ID="DIVL76" type="paragraph" order="2" /> </relatedItem>
<relatedItem type="host">
<subTitle>A Reader</subTitle> </titleInfo>
<name type="personal"> <namePart type="given">Ash</namePart>
<namePart type="family">Amin</namePart> <role> <roleTerm type="text">editor</roleTerm>
<originInfo> <dateIssued>1994</dateIssued>
<publisher>Blackwell Publishers</publisher> <place> <placeTerm type="text">Oxford</placeTerm>
<part> <extent unit="page">
<end>45</end> </extent>
<title>Non-subject-matter Outcomes of Schooling</title>
<part> <detail type="volume">
<detail type="issue"> <number>5</number>
<caption>no.</caption> </detail>
<extent unit="page"> <start>131</start>
<end>146</end> </extent>
<date encoding="w3cdtf">1999</date> </part>
MAPPINGSMARC Mapping (Bibliographic)There is no MARC 21 equivalent to <part> at the top level. <part> used in <relatedItem type="host"> ≈ MARC 21 field 773, subfields g and q, but allows for additional parsing of data <part><text> used in <relatedItem type="host"> = MARC 21 field 773 subfield g See also MARC Mapping to MODS for the <relatedItem> element, <part> subelement. Dublin Core MappingThe MODS to Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Mapping does not include the <part> element in the mapping to Dublin Core. The DLF/Aquifer Guidelines recommend adding information appearing at the highest level of the record to title information when mapping to simple Dublin Core. MODS examples expressed in Dublin Core: <dc:title>Washington observer volume 1</dc:title>
<dc:title>Non-subject-matter Outcomes of Schooling volume, volume 99, issue 5, page 131-146, 1999</dc:title> Last Updated: February 18, 2011 |
February 18, 2011 |