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Top-level Element: <relatedItem>
GUIDELINES | EXAMPLES | MAPPINGS GUIDELINES FOR USE<relatedItem> is a container element under which any MODS element may be used as a subelement. It is thus fully recursive. Since <relatedItem> may include any MODS element as a subelement, it may describe a constituent item if that is desired. This may be suitable, for instance, for complex objects that require specific descriptive information for constituent parts, but that are considered intellectually one object (e.g. a CD with several tracks, digitized or analog). <relatedItem> includes a designation of the specific type of relationship as a value of the type attribute; a controlled list of types is enumerated in the schema. Specific DLF/Aquifer GuidelinesThe DLF/Aquifer Implementation Guidelines for Shareable MODS Records recommend the use of the <relatedItem> element in three cases:
Although the MODS <relatedItem> element allows multiple items to be described in a hierarchical fashion within a single MODS record, the DLF/Aquifer guidelines recommend that the use of the <relatedItem> element be restricted to the three cases described above. Do not use multiple nested <relatedItem> elements within a single MODS record to describe an entire collection in metadata records shared for aggregation. Deep recursion may be counter-productive. The core MODS record should describe the resource at the level metadata aggregators should return as matches to user queries. Information about the original from which a digital surrogate or reproduction was made should be included in the main record. Any subelements of the <relatedItem> element should describe related material of only subsidiary interest, helpful for identifying and completely describing a resource, or providing context for the resource which may be useful for retrieval. The use of the type attribute is required. The DLF/Aquifer guidelines recommend the following type values for each of the recommended uses of <relatedItem>: Case 1: Linking
Use any value listed in these guidelines, as
Case 2: Context
Case 3: Constituent parts
The use of the xlink:href attribute is recommended if applicable. Use this attribute to link to external resources. The DLF/Aquifer guidelines recommend that this attribute, when used, contain the URI of a MODS record or an OAI GetRecord request, if available, for a related resource. The 'info' URI scheme can also be used to encode an external link here using an LCCN or DOI (see for more information). The DLF/Aquifer guidelines also recommend that no subelements appear under <relatedItem> when this attribute is used. The use of the displayLabel attribute may be used to indicate the preferred labeling when displayed by a metadata aggregator. See the <relatedItem> entry in the DLF/Aquifer Summary of MODS Requirements and Recommendations Table for further information on requirements of this element, its attributes, and subelements. Aggregator information: Links to related items may be displayed as links in record displays. Some related item elements for some types of relationships may be indexed (for example, series <titleInfo> might be indexed as a title or as a series title), and included in record display. Some elements of constituent parts may be indexed and included in record display. The "Describing Versions and Reproductions" and "Bibliographic
Citation" pages in the DLF/NSDL
Best Practices for Shareable Metadata Element DescriptionAttributestype Definition
The value of the type attribute describes the
relationship between the <relatedItem> and the resource being
described in the MODS record.
This attribute may contain the following values:
xlink:href Definition
This attribute is used for an external link, including
a link to a related record, if applicable.
Use <identifier>
for a URI for the related resource itself.
ID; displayLabel See the Attributes
used throughout the schema for descriptions of each.
SubelementsAll MODS elements may appear as subelements of <relatedItem>. See the entries for the applicable top-level elements listed below. Although all MODS elements may be used, for purposes of interoperability, deep recursion may be counter-productive.
EXAMPLESFor Case 1: Linking <relatedItem displayLabel="Preceding Title"
<relatedItem xlink:href="info:lccn/85000002"/> For Case 2: Context <relatedItem displayLabel="Appears in"
<subTitle>A Reader</subTitle> </titleInfo>
<name type="personal"> <namePart
<namePart type="family">Amin</namePart> <role> <roleTerm
<originInfo> <dateIssued>1994</dateIssued>
<publisher>Blackwell Publishers</publisher> <place> <placeTerm
<part> <extent unit="page">
<end>45</end> </extent>
For Case 3: Constituent parts Example of a single track in a MODS record for a compact disc <relatedItem type="constituent"
<titleInfo type="uniform"
<title>Chaconne von
<titleInfo> <title>Chaconne</title>
<name type="personal" authority="naf"> <namePart>Vitali, Tomaso
<namePart type="date">1663-1745</namePart> <role> <roleTerm authority="marcrelator"
<name type="personal" authority="naf"> <namePart>Blatt,
<role> <roleTerm authority="marcrelator"
<physicalDescription> <extent>9:55</extent>
<note type="Standard Restriction">This item is unavailable due to copyright restrictions.</note> <note type="performers">Nathan Milstein, violin ; Josef Blatt, piano.</note> <note type="statement of responsibility">Tomaso Vitali</note> <note>Originally for violin and continuo; arr. for violin and piano.</note> <note>Attributed to Tomaso Vitali, but most likely not by him.</note> <subject authority="lcsh"> <topic>Chaconnes (Violin and
piano), Arranged.</topic>
Additional Examples: <titleInfo>
<title>William P. Gottlieb
<relatedItem type="constituent">; <titleInfo>
<title>[Portrait of Charlie
Parker and Tommy Potter, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Oct.
<name> <namePart>Gottlieb, William
<namePart type="date">1917-</namePart> </name>
<identifier type="local">LC-GLB23-0542</identifier> </relatedItem>
<title>The dancer's guide and ballroom
<relatedItem type="host" displayLabel="Parent"> <titleInfo>
<title>American ballroom companion :</title> <subTitle>dance instruction manuals, ca. 1600-1920 /</subTitle> </titleInfo>
<identifier type="lccn">98801326</identifier> <identifier type="uri"></identifier> </relatedItem>
<name type="personal"> <namePart>Frederick,
<originInfo> <place>
<dateIssued>1919</dateIssued> </originInfo>
<title>Jay Robinson for
<relatedItem type="host"> <titleInfo>
<title>Election 2002 Web
<identifier type="uri"></identifier> </relatedItem>
<title>Directory of computer assisted research in
<relatedItem type="succeeding"> <titleInfo>
<title>Computing in
<identifier type="issn">1057-9478</identifier> <identifier type="lccn">(DLC) 91656596</identifier> <identifier type="local">(OCoLC)21202412</identifier> </relatedItem>
<titleInfo type="uniform">
<title>Modern maturity (NRTA
<identifier type="lccn">sn 84010086</identifier> </relatedItem>
<relatedItem type="host">
<title>International Journal of
Urban and Regional Research</title>
<part> <detail type="volume">
<detail type="issue"> <number>2</number>
<caption>no.</caption> </detail>
<extent unit="page"> <start>361</start>
<end>378</end> </extent>
<date>2000</date> </part>
<title>>Annali di
<relatedItem type="preceding"> <titleInfo>
<title>Annales de
<identifier type="issn">0003-4029</identifier> </relatedItem>
<identifier type="local">(DLC)###90646274#</identifier> <identifier type="local">(OCoLC)6258868</identifier> </relatedItem>
<identifier type="issn">0003-1615</identifier> <identifier type="local">(OCoLC)8370205</identifier> </relatedItem>
<relatedItem type="reviewOf">
<titleInfo><nonSort>The </nonSort><title>Handbook of 20th century literature</title></titleInfo>
MAPPINGSMARC Mapping (Bibliographic)<relatedItem> is equivalent to several fields in MARC 21. It includes the following:
See also MARC Mapping to MODS for the <relatedItem> element. Dublin Core MappingThe MODS to Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Mapping recommends mapping the contents of the <relatedItem> element to the <dc:relation> element in simple Dublin Core. However, caution in mapping is recommended because <relatedItem> elements with many subelements may yield "an incomprehensible value." At the very least, mapping multiple subelements to the single <dc:relation> element will require addition of punctuation and re-ordering of elements to achieve the desired result. The type attribute of the <relatedItem> element may be used to determine a specialized mapping for each type. MODS examples expressed in Dublin Core: <dc:relation> </dc:relation>
<dc:relation>Amin, Ash, editor. Post-Fordism: A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1994: 23-45.</dc:relation> Last Updated: February 18, 2011 |
February 18, 2011 |