Library of Congress

Poetry and Literature

The Library of Congress > Poetry & Literature > Conversations with African Poets and Writers > Kwame Dawes
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TITLE: Kwame Dawes

SPEAKER: Kwame Dawes, Angel Batiste
EVENT DATE: 2016/11/18
RUNNING TIME: 82 minutes
TRANSCRIPT: View Transcript (link will open in a new window)

Ghanaian writer Kwame Dawes read samples of his work and participated in a moderated discussion with the Library's Angel Batiste.

Speaker Biography: Kwame Dawes, born in Ghana, is the founding editor of the African Poetry Book Fund. He joined the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) faculty as a Chancellor’s Professor in 2011 and took the helm of Prairie Schooner, UNL’s quarterly literary magazine. He is the author of 16 poetry collections, three works of fiction, several anthologies, produced plays, and books of literary criticism and aesthetics, not counting forthcoming works. His long list of accomplishments includes a Guggenheim Fellowship and a 2009 Emmy Award for a multimedia documentary project on HIV/AIDS in Jamaica.